Wehrmacht Oil for Panzers
Fifth Wheel of the Carriage
In this afternoon’s page, The Party will take a look at the incredible state of affairs existing between Germany and England, not least in connection with Ireland, whose destiny was being disputed between international governments on one side, and the spare wheel heading the Tory party, otherwise known as Boris Johnson, on the other.
The fact of the matter is, only The Party got it right, because it remains loyal to what has been written many years ago at British Party in regards to the Spiritual Mother of all the British Isles and the Throne of Jesus, Son of God.
There is nothing which the Fifth Column, to which Theresa May belongs, or the puppet Boris placed in the front seat of the carriage, can do to change the one truth, which is that Our Fair Lady of the British Isles does not work for a republic, or for a false kingdom. The original plan of four nations each sovereign and proclaiming Jesus Our Saviour as rightful and eternal King, is the one way forward. In the case of Germany, it is better to disengage immediately from the Irish border dispute and to consider that the German Folk must tend to its own affairs – not those of Hungary and of Poland, or of twenty-five states in south-eastern Europe all lining up to join the EU, but to the affairs of Germany. The EU has no future, the UK is dead, and the Tory party doesn’t have a clue, similar to all UK parties.
The Huns
Sister Angela Hun and her brother know that the future of every sovereign nation of the British Isles depends on each of these being founded upon its own national Church as from the origins. The course to be taken between these nations as to how they trade with each other, and how to form a new union, is definitely not something that other countries should be getting involved in, and it most certainly cannot depend either on Theresa May’s Treason-deal, or on the puppet Boris – the spare wheel. The idea of Ireland having the option between the frying pan and the furnace could never be a solution. Neither the fake monarchy of a private family nor a republic would bring about prosperity, and all the Tory party ever had to offer since the Huns turned up again in England was sheer Dresdenization of national Churches.
Sister Hun said: Brother, he use Wehrmacht oil in Panzer. And with tears of laughter cried: He Hun them!
Code Name: the Bug
At Betchy Garden we know about someone who we call the Bug, an agent of Bletchley Park who has been telling the world that his ‘queen is god-almighty by divine right’. His intended victim of choice is the English Child along with the English Church as of its origins, which he wants to replace with his ‘queen’ and with Henry VIII and the false origins of a church.
Well the Irish need to understand that Angela has never done any work on the origins of the Irish Church, so they would need to choose between believing in Our Fair Lady who Angela works for, and the Bug of Westminster and his ‘queen’. Because the latter are certainly not going to make any dirty deals with anyone concerning the destiny of the English Folk and its true Church, the Fair Lady and the Saviour. Suffice it to see how Theresa May with her Treason pot, backed by the full support of her party, managed to bring the Irish to the verge of the precipice, and how the puppet, the fifth wheel of the cart, is utterly clueless and running up against a brick wall trying to tear apart every insane paragraph he signed when he surrendered.
We can rest assured that in Whitehall-Westminster, they would try selling every national Church of the British Isles – along with our Fair Lady – to some foreign powers to whom they attribute ‘spiritual supremacy’ in matters of Church. And yet in England, one Holy Mother and One Child are supreme, recognising only the Holy Father Who is in Heaven. And so too it should be for all nations of the British Isles. No foreign power can be placed between the Folk and the Divine, no alien nation can shut down the direct Communion between Heaven and the Folk while trying to assert their own authority or supremacy. They are not equals to the English in England, and so it should be for every nation in Britannia’s Isles. They should tend to their own affairs instead and keep out of matters concerning the island of Britain and the island of Ireland.
Our last edition is: Imperial Matters Concerning Britannia.
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