Imperial Matters Concerning Britannia

Empress of the British Isles

Many years ago, the Hun was publishing online papers at British Party, which is part of a website I had opened. Mädel was very young back then and still going to school studying economics, so I limited the prints to constitutional matters predicated upon the Fair Lady Empress of the British Isles and God’s Son, Jesus the Saviour. Significantly I did not delve into monetary issues as these go beyond my sphere of competence. The reason for this is, modern economics is debt based, and we’re talking of national debts of immense proportions plus all the fakery surrounding derivatives, quantitative easing and artificially pumped-up share markets. Mädel however is an expert in matters concerning bankruptcy both in the micro and the macro, which includes financially failed states. It wouldn’t be until early 2017 that she was ready to apply her knowledge at state level and made her original offer to work – which was turned down.

Feel free to listen to today’s Party music song here.

The Irish-EU Dispute

At the time when British Party texts were being made public, the perfect solution was given to prevent what later became the EU Communist interference in matters which then were presented as affairs of the British Isles. Four sovereign nations, one of which being England, would form a refounded union, each proclaiming God’s Son Jesus as their rightful Monarch. Ulster and the Republic of Ireland could unite as one nation, that is, as one kingdom proclaiming Jesus Christ as King. Alternatively, the three nations of Great Britain plus Northern Ireland could be on good terms with the rest of Ireland with freedom of movement in matters of trade should a refounded union that includes all of Ireland prove difficult. The sovereign nations of Great Britain and both Ulster and the Irish Republic would all be without any EU membership and without any EU interference, hence any border issues on trade would have been resolved solely between Ulster and the Republic of Ireland in absence of a union between the two.

Opposition from the UK Establishment

Defined in public as ‘tosh’ by Government Bond (a name generally used to define agents) at the time, British Party was considered an enemy of the state, because it did not adhere to the criteria of a republic, or to a kingdom run by someone other than the rightful Monarch. However, the Hun, as too his sister Angela, had obligations towards the Holy Mother and Child of the English Folk, and towards the Scottish Child too, and it should have been clear to understand that Our Spiritual Mother was never going to surrender the Throne of Jesus to somebody bearing fake titles sitting in Buckingham palace, and that she was not going to work for a republic either.

At that point in time, Angela had already completed her work on the foundations of the English Church and had also done the same in relation to the Scottish Church. And so it wasn’t the Huns’ fault if eventually War ensued in which the UK ended up dying of syphilis. And I daresay the Irish Republic would be better off transforming into a sovereign kingdom recognising the same Spiritual Mother of the British Isles who is Mother of the English and of the Scots and therefore should be looked up to as Mother of the Irish as well. There never was any place for the likes of the Tory party, their failed and bankrupt City banking establishment, their queen bearing messianic titles that can only pertain to Jesus Son of God, and for the Chinese Communist Belt and Road Initiative taking over, for Ibn Saud’s Wahhabi private family stripping England’s assets to keep the City bankers afloat or for the Communist and atheist tyrants of the EU and their Sodom and Gomorrah ideology bankrupting the British Isles and flushing the place out with cheap labourers.

Welsh Principality

Had the Welsh been interested, they could have changed their status from a principality under the Prince of Wales to that of a kingdom ruled by the Heavenly Monarch. But as we know, Phosphorus Bond, who also called Mädel a liar, was working for the Tory party, who in turn were working for the City establishment bankers and were intent on selling out to the private oil dynasty families of the Arabian peninsular and to the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative in return for their banking bonuses and privileges and so as to avoid being declared bankrupt in an English Court of Law.

These people didn’t care about Jesus being the rightful King of England, about the English Church having been founded long before Henry VIII appeared on the scene, or indeed about anything to do with social well being other than their own lust for hoarding assets and hanging on to power. Using their inane queen-worship as a facade to avoid the scrutiny of Greater Justice and Guidance from the Divine, they said they would sacrifice each and every sovereign nation of the British Isles, and the Monarchy of God’s Son too.

An Outcome of Treason

The result was Theresa May’s Treason-deal with the EU, the attempted submission to the Chinese Belt and Road takeover in return for bailing out the City banking scene, the appeasement to Wahhabi King Saud in return for petrodollars, the £39 billion Versailles Treaty, and the EU-Communist interference in what should be the affairs of Ulster and the Republic of Ireland. The treasonous people that did this had tried cancelling Mother and Child of the British Isles to appease foreign powers, for whom they were working all along, and to whom they tried selling the Holy Trinity.

Having signed up to the Treason-deal so as to propel himself into 10 Downing Street and keep his party in power, Boris Johnson is now trying to undo each and every paragraph he undersigned when he surrendered to the EU – even declaring that organization the arbiter in affairs relating to Great Britain and Northern Ireland, as well as between Northern Ireland and the Republic. Again, all this out of opposition towards the true Spiritual Mother who they tried replacing along with the Son of God. And he still doesn’t want to accept that the treasonous progressive sell-out to China and the reliance on the oil dynasty kingdoms of Arabia are coming to an end. He doesn’t want to understand that the UK is dead and that it is now time for the Bankruptcy Tribunal. He swore allegiance to his queen, as did the entire parliament, to the person who gave ‘royal assent’ to every treasonous bill laid before her, including the Treason-bill of Theresa May.

Huns Do Not Surrender

The Huns did not bow down to that person, neither sister nor brother. We both know that they are trying to hold the English Child to ransom and that Angela’s book on the English Church would not stand a chance in Hell so long as the Dead-UK ghouls are out there sabotaging, which is why in our next edition we’ll be making clear to the Germans the precarious situation Germany is in when the EU commissars and the governments they work for wrongly assume they have a licence to wage War on the Holy Mother of the English Child – on English Mother and Child.

They might be getting mixed up in the affairs of Ireland as an island inhabited by its own various groups of people when these governments should be minding their own business, but they cannot prevail over the English Folk! England never submitted to Italy – our English Holy Mother didn’t.

English Red Saint George


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