England and Mexico: Trade Relations

In this presentation dedicated to commerce, The Party is looking at England’s future opportunities for establishing special trade relations of mutual benefit with Mexico.

Defending England From Europe

When Theresa May took it upon herself to cook up a pot of treason with the intention of invalidating the 2016 referendum on membership of the European Union, she had the support and backing of many MPs and peers in the houses of parliament who were actively trying to annul the referendum result, openly claiming that democracy is not acceptable and needs to be stamped out. In tune with this background, she was able to work out a deal with the EU that was not part of the referendum’s requirements, something she herself had conjured up in conjunction with foreign entities and parliaments.

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As a result of Theresa May’s treacherous dealings, Britain would have been able to leave the EU only on condition of surrender and subjection to the same foreign powers and their governments. This included a £39 billion tribute to the EU to be paid through instalments in sign of humiliation, the de-facto separation of Ulster from Great Britain and its submission to the EU and the Republic of Ireland, the plundering of English and Scottish waters by foreign fishing fleets and the cancellation of English Sovereignty in favour of the United Kingdom of Humpty MaDumpty. Needless to point out that Europe declared all out war on England and on Our Fair Lady of the English Folk.

Hermana Angela

It was also within this context that Germany turned down the work offer which my sister Angela had made, and also the work offer made by Alexandra. Angela took it very badly, she came round several times to visit me and Mädel, seeking her brother for consolation, and one night we went to visit our friend Alexandra, who’s a doctor and knows about the Pox and the Plague.

At my and Mädel’s house, Angela and I had some great nights cooking stew with foul potatoes and on one occasion frying leeks. The tears were rolling down hermana’s cheeks with laughter as she asked: Brother, what’s that?

It’s Wehrmacht oil, I replied, for motors, I kept it from the days in Normandy. I always keep a tiger in the tank!

But knowing that life must move on after the rebuff from Germany, Angela eventually packed her suitcase, said Ade!, and went to Mexico. In the early hours of the morning after arriving, she contacted me and said: Brother too come México!

Stuck in Treason

Meanwhile, after Boris Johnson had signed up to Theresa May’s Treason-Deal with the EU, he realised, or was told, that it was a treasonous pit and has tried to extricate himself from just about everything he signed. And this is where he got stuck in Theresa May’s snare, disowning just about every traitorous paragraph he himself signed on the day he surrendered to the EU.

Adding to his woes, Boris found out that the special relationship with China that his father and George Osborne had been brewing up and preparing for him to render effective, has become highly unpopular and extremely unlikely due to a turn of events on the global chessboard. Which leaves a bankrupt City establishment unable to be bailed out through asset-stripping, save perhaps by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates – were it not for these two countries’ disastrous intervention in Yemen and their pending defeat there.

From England to Mexico

This leaves us with the English Chancellery’s announcement in previous editions that England needs a secure and stable trade agreement with Mexico that allows this country to import what we need without any dependency on Europe and its unstable, tyrannical, communist regime. By extension, trade with other countries in North, Central and South America will also be possible on a fair and reciprocal platform.

In this regard it doesn’t matter what tariffs are levied on imported merchandise, so long as it can be imported at fair prices and the supply is guaranteed and continuous. Ultimately, each country party to a trade agreement with England can establish its own tariffs on imported English products as can England with theirs. Owing to the special relationship status, however, in England’s case it would mean diverting a large amount of trade from Europe and Asia to the Americas, without this being in any way binding on the trade partners of the American continent, who will be free to continue their previous trade transactions with other continents as they see fit.

Regulating Trade

Rather than a global free market, in the case of England we are talking of a regional market that is fair and guaranteed, whereby the Atlantic Ocean is a soft boundary that does not impede trade but instead brings the Mexican Gulf Stream to our shores, assuring England natural prosperity and endurance. All we need is a trading fleet.

While sovereign England will not be bound to the criteria of the World Trade Organization, it doesn’t matter at all, because the more this country keeps away from Europe and Asia and all the problems that come with them, the better and the safer we will be, whether from an economic or military standpoint. England’s regional interests are what counts here, not the world’s global problems. As we have seen, the plans for a ‘golden era of prosperity’ under Chinese economic domination that David Cameron and George Osborne were working for, and later Theresa May and Boris Johnson too, ended in tears. Around the middle of 2021, these plans suddenly turned into a campaign going under the banner of ‘global Britain’ aimed at confronting China in far away seas abounding with disputed borders and boundaries and with conflicting cultures, religions and ideologies.

The same party that until very recently was seeking to use China to bail out the bankrupt City through the sale of England’s assets and its future freedom - a plan which included importing three million Chinese people from Hong Kong without asking the English for permission - is now bent on sending out warships to confront China in an open war of attrition where even nuclear weapons are being readied for use.

The World Trade Organization was only there to enable the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative from Peking to London and from there to New York and on to Seattle. It was never in England’s interests or America’s. Had the Tory party of D. Cameron and G. Osborne and of T. May and the Johnsons - both senior and junior - emigrated to Hong Kong ten years ago instead of attempting to build Chinese Belt and Road infrastructure on English soil and resettle in England millions of Chinese people from Hong Kong, it would have been better.

Let Me Do It Again!”

Yet these are the very same people who now are sending British warships to the South China Sea following the winds of war and self-promoting themselves to champions of liberty and freedom. Seeing that their plans A and B failed, and their plan C too, they presume to be able to hang on and have another go. Instead, they need to go! They failed completely, and rather than doing a U-turn and hanging on after the wind has changed, figuring out some other way to avoid the financially bust City and its bankers and managers being declared bankrupt in an English court of law, they need to simply be gone. They must cross over! The British Empire is no more and the UK is gone too.

England needs to look to the New World for our future economic prosperity. We do not need City bankers fabricating hundreds of billions of fake quantitative easing pounds in the Bank of England, trying to cling to their salaries and bonuses while pretending that money grows on trees. England needs a sane economy and reliable partners with whom to trade and who we can trust, and by whom we can be trusted.


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