Mädel Said Never!
Njet Phosphorus!
People who follow The Party, which has been publishing since 2017, will know that we have always worked for Sovereign England. The UK had to pass away, and there were two ways of this happening: with grace, or in sin. Sadly, the UK died of syphilis because Phosphorus-Government Bond attempted to exchange Our Fair Lady of the English Folk with his queen, and he did so after calling Mädel a liar, because she had made a work offer in early 2017 in connection with her expertise in economics.
He wanted to steal her work instead and promote the City banking establishment and the inane parliament that swears an oath of allegiance to a person bearing fake titles. But The Party made clear from the start that God’s Son, Jesus Christ, is the rightful King of the English Folk, forever.
Because of Phosphorus, the UK made a disgraceful exit from the global chessboard, leaving behind a group of disembodied ghouls making outrageous claims of being ‘the government of the UK’. Their problem is, though, that Mädel – who actually is English – said she will never work for them or for any country that deals with them and expressly forbade me to ever give them a key to her work. And that includes the Italians who Phosphorus said he was in league with. They were supposed to surrender to Our Fair Lady of the English, not try replacing Her with a fake monarch who challenges Holy Mother and Child of the English and presumes to take the Throne of God’s Son our Saviour.
Please feel free to listen to the music offered at this link.
Folk and Homeland, Faith and Loyalty
The Hun’s grandfather fought on the different side to Phosphorus’ grandfather. One hundred years ago he joined a party in order to stand up to oppression and oppose international communism and the Versailles Treaty. I honestly don’t care what Phosphorus thinks to the contrary, but Huns never surrender, and although he conjectured that this would be held against me for terrible things I did, Mädel said: it doesn’t matter, so long as you are on England’s side now.
Thus it came about that sister Hun cried many tears with laughter when I used Wehrmacht oil for engines to fry leeks and was consulting a Michelin guide d’Angleterre to study the recipe while stirring in the pan. When I looked up the pan was on fire and sister opened the window and said: Must get out now, brother hit a ditch, leeks went their way and kitchen full of smoke.
We climbed through our escape hatch into the garden and came back bearing a water hose. Later, when the smoke had cleared, we looked at the map together and came to the conclusion there was a land border on England’s flank.
Sister and brother Huns always remained loyal to Our Mother of the English Child and have no reason to be ashamed. We don’t care what Phosphorus thinks, because those who accomplish their duty to folk and homeland do so with faith and loyalty. Otherwise they would give up on their mission and bow down to those who would enslave us, may-be discouraged by their insults, or by being ignored by them and deliberately taken aim at. However, with sister Angela there is a law called payback, and all you need to understand in this respect is that she and brother started their journey in England – and that means England!
In the Likeness of the Folk
Holy Mother and Child will only ever come to the Folk in its own likeness and speaking its own language, as a perfect image of the folk, racially, ethnically, and in the Name of the Holy Father. This is a rule for all peoples, and no nation can afford to lose that which is most holy.
Phosphorus was one of those who targeted the Mother and Child of the English, and he was among those who sent the Demon in early 2019. Well the Demon went to Hell back then, and because the Hun never lost his calm and steady aim in the heat of battle, he made sure that whenever the Demon should return, he’d meet his match and go straight back to where he came from. This happened recently when I called Phosphorus out on a profile he left open but has never commented on for the past two years: in response, the Demonic One came and offered to pay me if I work for him. Hence the title of this publication clarifying Mädel’s position.
Feel free to listen to today’s concluding hymn at this link.
Ahahaha, I the Hun did my part on the battlefield.
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