Huns’ Insurance Policy

Insurance for Life

Today at The Party we’ll be looking at how the English Child took out an insurance policy with Angela Hun to prevent his existence being sacrificed and so as not to be flung out in the street by the dogs.

Please feel free to listen to today’s Party presentation of music at this link.

As we know, after the English Church, Angela has never worked for another national church apart from the Scottish. This means that the Irish now know what the Hun offered at British Party many years ago at a constitutional level in regard to Our Fair Lady who he affectionately knows as Britannia.

And the whole world knows that Angela will never dedicate herself to the affairs of Ireland or of the principality of Wales while the English Child is being threatened with being flung out into the street by half the world that seems to think he is irrelevant.

As for brother Hun, he took out an insurance policy of his own with Alexandra: it is to be paid out in gold bars in advance by Germany in return for her initiating any work whatsoever on karfreitag and the holocaust which Germany chose to inherit. We agreed that she’ll pay me for the work she commissioned on the Exorcism by making sure that her next book will have to be on contract and paid for up front.

Woe betide those who take out a bad insurance scheme and try confining the Hun to a park while they walk by and praise Phosphorus’ Humpty Dumpty and then assume they can also bulldoze over the English Church!

The Dresdenization Option

Some may say this comes across as a reciprocal mass extinction policy; well this has been factored in, and Betchy Garden made sure that one side will still be standing, though. And if all goes according to plan, the next work coming from the Ænglisc Rīce Chancellery will be for the German Mother, carried out by Alexandra and the Hun.

The English Church Angela worked for belongs as a Light on a hill, not confined by the Bug under a table while half the world goes around glorifying his ‘queen’ in the name of dinosaurs. Likewise, the German Church, when it does come, belongs in its rightful place to be reached along its rightful pathway, under the Full Moon by night and under the Sun by day. It doesn’t belong in the streets as a heap of rubble after another one of Phosphorus’ fire-bombing campaigns.

The Hun is a hard man, he drives a Panzer, and sister Hun cried many tears with laughter and said: Oy veh, brother Hunned them!


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