The Cossack Child
Surrendering is not an option for sister Hun, and being denied the right to work or having her work transferred to a cheap labourer who gets the credit are two more options she won’t accept.
No Need to Worry!
Readers at The Party will be aware that the German State declined interest in Angela’s proposed studies into the Rhine Church which were supposed to be carried out – that I know of – in Germany and in Switzerland.
So I informed her that the link from Serbian to German Mother is of equal value as that between Serbian and the Rus Mati. In this respect, Angela’s Serbian Keys from Valjevo are still sought after by a Lady In High – the Mother of the Kyivan Child, and so she needn’t worry!
I also reminded her that she was successful in England precisely owing to the direct link Valjevo-Folkestone Road*, hence she needn’t worry about any and all attempts at scrubbing her past and trying to exchange it for another: The Rus, said I, will not despise the Lady of crkva Presvete Bogorodice, but will consider Her to be the spiritual Sister of Mother Rus.
A Dispute
Currently there is a dispute ongoing with on one side the ‘holy founding fathers of Europe’ running the EU, and the other side the farmers in the entire European continent west of Ukraine over Ukrainian agrarian produce. This is the result of what happens when free people who are not serfs of the land enter the European market and compete with others who depend on subsidies, net EU contributions and cheap labourers going abroad while believing in the European dream of EU paradise on Earth!
The latter couldn’t compete and have flown into a fury resulting in the blockade of the Ukrainian borders to the west. And so, by video, I solemnly declared to my sister who’s waiting in Mexico that she is sought after to work with the Child of a worthy nation: the Ukrainian Rus, the one who in a short time outshone everything the ‘holy fathers who founded Europe’ had to offer and whose very shadow eclipsed the competitors.
And this, I explained, is the difference between Cossacks and slaves of the European commissars!
Here is today’s Party musical presentation.
What We Know
Angela is not going to England to carry out any work for the Rus and will be avoiding the British Isles altogether.
She’ll need to receive from Ukraine texts that can reveal latter-day teachings coming from Rome and Constantinople that created a schism in the Church of the Rus Mother.
She’ll publish the results of her findings here at The Party in public domain, although this will not be a comprehensive research into the origins of the same Church, which can be for a later time as it will require a whole set of separate studies.
My sister refused to have a politically inspired schism of the Serbian Church foisted onto her by EU commissars posing as ‘founding fathers of Europe’ and interfering where they should never have interfered: in the Serbian Mother’s affairs!
She will never bow down to a holy human father nor to a human founding father.
*Directly from the entrance door of the Serbian house we lived in opposite the church, all the way to the road connecting Dover and Folkestone and precisely in front of Priory train station where the collision with the Italian bus occurred.
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