The Child Came in a Great Hour
External influence from distant capitals has often visited Ukraine, and while packaged with bows and ribbons, it often contains the desire for supremacy.
The Sky Turned Black
Confronted in the east by the strongest army that crossed the land’s surface, the Ukrainians then looked west and lo and behold even the skies darkened as heavy black clouds appeared. And so, by military means and by economic blockade, a mortal stranglehold set in around Ukraine, and EU commissars past and present who had once promised big things to a great people, now either fell silent while looking on, or zealously took part in enacting the blockade by way of state institutions.
Seeing those he is surrounded by pitched against him and seeking his ruination, a Child of Mother Rus made his case: Both my brother and my neighbour have turned on me, from east and from west!
The Schism
In days of old, the lands of the Rus were grouped into numerous principalities, and one of the major centres was Kyiv.
Time passed, the populations expanded, invasions came, alliances were formed, and in some parts, principalities developed into new kingdoms. Two such kingdoms were centred one in Moscow, the other in Warsaw, but not all the inhabitants of these two realms were Muscovites or Poles.
Whereas the outside world tends to see the events of history through the lenses of one or other of these two cities, the local populations were largely living each a life of their own, and among these excelled the Cossacks.
Meanwhile, within the corridors of palaces in the big cities, ambassadors were received from Rome and from Constantinople defining the legitimacy of church supremacy, and it was in this context that the seeds were sown which would lead to the schism of the Rus Church.
No Way, Brother!
We know that sister Hun at this point in time refuses to leave Mexico, and so in order for her studies to be carried out into Rome and Constantinople’s part in the above-mentioned schism, we’ll have to wait till one day a work contract arrives from Germany for the Rhine Church.
Having spiritual contact with the Kyivan Child of the One Rus Mother, she has received the mission to detect the teachings of later times that caused the misunderstandings and the consequent division between Moscovia in the north and the Cossack Lands to the south. This work should be seen as the first phase to be followed by more research into the actual origins of the Ecclesia among the Rus and which can be carried out at a later period.
For now, Angela needs to achieve this first part, which she says ought to suffice in convincing the Russians that they are at war against a Brother nation owing to external influences introduced a long time after the original Rus Baptism in the Spirit.
Here is today’s Party musical theme.
The Original Friendship
Going by Angela’s reckoning, the Serbian Lady established an alliance with the German Mother as much as She did with Rus Mati. It would take an immense measure of will and deliberation for this to be exchanged for a war between German, Belarusian and Russian.
Yet the price for peace cannot be found in the sacrifice of a brethren folk whose Child In High is a Son of Mother Rus, and so the faults must be found in the errors stemming from both papal cities following the original Baptism.
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