Along the Road to the Rus Baptism

The staircase needs to be repaired owing to dangerous alterations introduced into the original structure during a later period.

The Serbian Baptism

In Serbia, and precisely in Valjevo where Angela had taken up residence near crkva Presvete Bogorodice, her Serbian script came to light by way of which she put to writing the result of her studies into the Serbian Baptism in the Spirit.

It’s been explained how this blueprint disappeared after we had left Valjevo, as well as how she had specifically made plans to avoid the Rotten Floorboard which, however, we still managed to fall through (I holding her up but taking the full splash up to my shoulders). Also narrated is how she managed to hide the original wax version, thus ensuring it didn’t end up the same way her Italian script later went: hidden in a box somewhere in Italy in darkness so the world couldn’t see – and where it still lingers to this day (see our pages on the Church-Abortionist).

Plural and Singular

While in Italy, Angela found her way to the Chiesa Russa in Corso Imperatrice. In the Italian language, this sounds different to the English translation Russian, whereas the German rendering is Russische Kirche. Yet each of these translations is prone to misunderstanding.

It was years later that hermana illuminated me on the correct translation using her particular version of English – which is influenced by German and Romance, and the proper term turned out to be Rus, for she used this word as a plural and the following word church as a singular. Then it became clear that various Peoples using this name, while being distinct one from the other, do have one church in common, and this is because they have the same spiritual Mother, thus making them brethren folks – or brother nations.

Prior to Angela’s clarification, I always used the term Russian to describe the Rus peoples seen in communion, for they looked similar even though they were different to each other and would appear as separate groups, or, as shown me recently, as separate individuals.

Perilous Alterations to the Foundations

And it was only recently that sister Hun told me she needs to investigate some historical interventions into the Ecclesia of the spiritual Rus Mother that came about in later times by way of Rome and Constantinople but following the original Rus Baptism in the Spirit, actions which were not of apostolic tenure and have been the cause of misinterpretations and ecclesiastic separation between differing populations of the same Apostolic Church.

While not a complete study of the ecclesiastic origins of these Peoples who have in common the same maternal Person of the Holy Trinity, it is essential that she accomplishes this mission in order to establish the separate identities of the Kyivan and the Muscovite and to detect the error, or the errors, from the two papal cities that in later times caused wrong perceptions of reality.

Greek Apostolic Starts in the First Century

In one of the recent Party pages I made clear how, in Valjevo, the Serbian Mother taught Angela that the Greek Apostolic Church does not originate ether in Rome or in fourth century Constantinople, and that neither of these cities can lay claim to ecclesiastic supremacy over the Church of any nation.

This is why my sister needs to establish contact with Kyiv to obtain texts that will enable her to detect and present here at The Party the pitfall(s) that need to be exposed and which were inserted by way of latter-day teachings coming from the two above-mentioned papal centres in relation to Moscow and Kyiv and to all the Rus.

Avoiding Diabolic Intentions

Meanwhile she has asked me not to reveal at this point in time certain communion information I have received lest it fall in the wrong hands and the entire enterprise be swept underneath a bed and hidden away in darkness.

With no work contract, she said, it’s better they do not get certain knowledge, for, although not enough to illuminate unless accompanied by the relevant research, it would be sufficient for certain powers to feel emboldened to commit to a sacrificial offering.

As I tried informing the Italians, her work does not belong inside a shoebox hidden under a bed, regardless what the ‘holy founding fathers of Europe’ may have claimed, said or decided.

Germany and the Rus

At The Party it’s been made clear that Srpska Majka also had an agreement with the German Mother, and in Angela’s reckoning, Germany, Belarus and Russia should not be preparing for war with each other, as this would contradict the intentions of the Serbian Lady and humiliate her good intentions when she recommended and praised my sister who had been in Valjevo.

Currently seeking to work with the Kyivan Child, Angela says there are two brother Peoples at war who have both been misled by the EU mirage of ‘prosperity’.

Commissars who’ve been seeking to incorporate the fertile black soil of Ukraine ‘into the European market’ have come up against massive protests by farmers and transport hauliers crying out at the sight of lorries and trains full of Ukrainian grain, fruit and vegetables passing through. Not only are their subsidies threatened, the very need for their own products is becoming questionable.

Investing Wealth

As for Russia, large amounts of sovereign wealth were invested into EU-related assets even though the EU and NATO usually turn up arm in arm. So it isn’t that Moscow has anything to lecture the Ukrainians on. Rather, we need to remember that Angela went to the Serbian Mother in Valjevo, that she and her brother later tripped on a rotten floorboard funded by the EU, but that she kept the original matrix of her work and has been recommended by the spiritual Mother she worked with.


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