From the Cape of Good Hope to Rotterdam
A thirty year journey of good hope and fortune for a bottle of brandy to reach the Rhine.
From Mars Back to Earth
The last time Angela paid me a visit by video, I was still trying to figure out on which planet they live. But having her in front of me, I immediately changed the topic of my thoughts and, with a broad smile, asked her about her future plans for the Rus Church.
As we know, sister Hun intends carrying out her studies in two phases: before getting all the way to the original Baptism in the Spirit and the foundation of this ecclesiastic body, she wants to investigate the later role which the two papal cities had in bringing about the schism between Moscovia and Kyiv some centuries ago, for she believes it was a question of supremacy – real or imagined.
For Clarification
Being a person who gives no weight to human supremacy, Angela’s dark eyes shone as she looked at me intently and said: First of all, brother, Britishes* are disqualified! And briefly my sister explained that her future work for the Rus Peoples will not come from these islands and that includes England. Her clarifying stance was emphatic, meaning it’s not up for discussion even if cats and dogs fell from Heaven and found their way down the chimney into the living room.
Pah, I replied, the British must have bet on the wrong horse!
It was then that the thoughts which brother had been immersed in at the time the phone rang came back to mind, and, looking at her with a sincere expression on my face – that is, no tears and no laughter, I proclaimed: Your stance makes perfect sense, otherwise you wouldn’t have left England so quickly and so urgently the way you did to avoid a prison.
*Her definition for the British Isles.
Vintage Brandy
Holding her gaze with my own eyes as I continued staring into hers, I added: But next time you ask me to contact Germany, hermana, I will write a handwritten note, insert it into a bottle, replace the cap tightly, and fling it into the sea!
A slight, inquisitive shade in her eyes appeared, and I continued: It may take thirty years for the bottle to make its way even to Batavia and, bobbing along in the currents, eventually wash up in Rotterdam, but the Dutch can always retrieve it, pull out the message and send it upstream along the Rhine to Germany, where it might land at an auction together with the vintage bottle!
After a slight hesitation, tears came to sister’s eyes, and I hastily added: For that’s how much worth they placed in the German Mother, the Child and the Church!
Here is today’s Party musical presentation.
A Friend in Germany
A few weeks ago I informed Mädel who’s in Germany that the State there irrevocably turned down every offer Angela made to return home and that it’s now in her own hands to decide how to go forward. It probably doesn’t need underlining here that I reminded Freundin to remember the Rhine Church that, without her, is destined to eternal failure, meaning she either succeeds, or fails!
Governments come and go, State bodies are not in the place of God and are wrong if they think they can just hang on once the time is up: they can’t! As it stands, Schwester Hunnin has an Alliance between the Rus Mother and the German Mother based on Valjevo in Serbia, and on my part I did all that was necessary to forward her cause.
The position taken by the State where Mädel resides is not conductive to Angela’s welfare but only ever impedes her. Also, I reminded Freundin that the English Child, and he alone, made it to the heavenly House, not the German one. And as the one who was taken up never had an Italian godfather, neither can the other who remained in the lower house. Otherwise, I assured Mädel, he will never make it to the House of the Heavenly Father!
I Padrini Italiani
As a note on this page, it’s worth keeping in mind that the Serbian Mother never allowed Her Child to be handed over to foreign fathers, and this is why my sister and I kept falling through the Rotten Plank opposite Italy where, to the exact contrary, they obediently complied with European Union godfathers from Italy from whom they accepted adoption, whereas Angela refused to betray her original cause.
At the time I told these people: You are not the bosses in Valjevo, which is in Serbia, and my young sister was only working for the Serbian Nation from the start, which you knew full well! But they had connections – even in Belgrade where they had infiltrated, and the EU founding fathers made big offers … and by then I had used up my last available funds meant to finance my sister.
A Distrustful and Caring Brother
And this is the reason why I don’t trust people who want to obtain information secretly. If they will not offer a stamped and signed work contract inclusive of funds, I must go on the assumption they are not interested in the spiritual Mother of the nation they should be serving but are operating for foreign fathers who are challenging God and only want to imprison my sister. This being the case of the German State, I told Mädel to play her cards diligently.
My last words to her – and I spoke these in German – were: Die Italiener können nicht die Paten des deutschen Volkes werden! And, with the English translation here, I rounded off with: Unless you play your hand carefully, the Italian godfathers will infiltrate and take over and Germany won’t ever see Angela again, because I will forbid her from going back!
With the British Isles being disqualified, that leaves open the question on how hermana is going to undertake her research into the Rus Church seeing that she isn’t coming back here.
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