When a Deceased Brother Can Be More Effective Than a Live One

Even if he doesn’t exist, Angela’s brother can still help her.

Hellenic Apostolic Faith

In our latest conversation, Angela from Mexico spoke with her brother, who gave her an assurance:

If you have decided to make known to the Greeks that you steadfastly refused to be brainwashed into reneging the Hellenic Apostolic Faith as imparted to you by the Serbian spiritual Mother, and that you did this while people in places of authority have been telling you all the time: We do not believe you because your brother does not even exist”, I can help you achieve this aim anyway.

Died in a Prison

The European Union commissars were at War against my sister Angela and mobilised the institutions against her so they could spread their nefarious empire all over eastern Europe and even to the Caucasus, and they knowingly picked a War with the Serbian Mother. The official and preferred version they adopted in order to combat my sister is: Your brother is fake, he never was, and if he ever lived, he died!

While it is true that I went to prison in place of my sister and eventually passed away for refusing to recant her doctrine, I was also granted a wish from High: Decide whether the heavenly Rainbow should go west, for England, or east, for Germany. Being by now dead in England, I decided it should go east, and so I got up and walked away towards the sea – which is to the east.

Here is today’s Party musical offer.

Uncle Tom Cobley

My sister had told me various times that if they choose to consider her brother as being null and void, she won’t bother coming back, and this is one of the reasons she insists I should write the presentation, or Vorwort, to her intended studies for the Church of the Rhine and that I should already present it in public at The Party.

It’s to make clear they need to give up on treating me as a non-person if they want her research to start at all, for the communion was revealed to me, not to somebody else who some people in Germany may have chosen to replace me with. And it’s to make clear that die Hunnin does indeed work with her brother, not with Bill Brewer, Jan Stewer, Peter Gurney, Peter Davy, Daniel Whiddon, Harry Hawke, old Uncle Tom Cobley and all but not her brother, who they refuse to recognise.

Calm, Reassuring Words

Calmly I reassured sister Hun: You needn’t worry about having a brother who they claim cannot be seen nor heard, for even though I died and regardless what they say, I am still your brother. As such, I can still help you get your message across to Greece: that you refused to renounce the Serbian Mother who taught you the ways of the Faith and gave you the spiritual calendar.

So whether they can see me or can’t, what counts is that the Faith you hold so dearly to has not been cancelled out of your vocabulary nor the spiritual Mother who taught it to you. Therefore, if they want you back in Germany, they’ll have to come to me here in the transit room next door to England – or go without.

The Serbian Mother Did Not Lose

Before leaving Italy for England with my sister, and as has been amply explained on Party space, it was shown me in communion that the actual spiritual journey I was to take would be directly from the house in Valjevo – where we had been staying – to Folkestone Road in Dover, thus indicating the direct spiritual link from Serbia to England.

Similarly, in another communion not long thereafter, I saw how Angela went spiritually and directly with the Serbian Mother to England. When I told her of this, my sister understood, replying that she too had been informed.

Ergo …

This information assures us that the spiritual link between Serbia and England was never conditioned upon Italy, but upon Valjevo in Serbia.

What we do know, and has been narrated in Party pages going back to 2021, is that the car being driven by the Fair Lady Mother of the English from Valjevo to Dover collided with an Italian bus along Folkestone Road, and in the way described. And do I, brother Hun, have to never stop paying for this? It wasn’t my doing, for I was seated in the back as a passenger.

It’s more likely to do with something the Italians accomplished in Italy when they hid Angela’s work in Italian, taking and placing it underneath a bed or in a coffin where it didn’t belong, while opening the gates to the British and telling Angela to her face that her brother is a nobody and should never have a penny to his name let alone a work contract. Yeah right! Blah blah!

The Rhine and the Contract

So, as we sat in conversation by way of our video connection, I proclaimed: If Germany wants you not and refuses your brother entry, Angela, the Church of the Rhine would fail for lack of a work contract with the appropriate persons, and that’s you and me.

And in no uncertain terms I proceeded to make this solemn announcement: But that does not mean Serbia lost, or England, or Greece either, because owing to the victory of the English Child, the Greek Apostolic Faith you were taught remains unvanquished on account of your Serbian matrix. It simply means Germany will have gone the same way Italy did!

Latvian Law

Our conversation continued with me assuring Angela that the Law of Latvia applies as presented in The Party publication linked to here: The Latvians Visit the Hun.

Just one month after the visit of the Latvians, said I to Angela, my Freundin moved to Germany in July 2022, and I told her before her departure: “Bring it to be, Mädel, that the EU rots to oblivion, and when you have done with that, I should return to Germany with my sister who now is in Mexico!”.

During the communion, at the start, the young Latvian man was streaming for me to hear the song: Zem musu kajam, one which I knew, and as we both sat there and listened, he asked me for my opinion on the Latvian language and if it is different to Russian. In particular he had shown me the word zemlya.

After this, we moved out of the room to a corridor from where we saw many young Latvian men arrive outside, and these twice made a salute with precise military discipline to the young Latvian, hailing him each time in unison and with great passion with the name: Azov!

If Greece Failed … Then Ivan Was Right!

Looking Angela in the eyes as she sat there listening, I promised her: If Greece failed, and with it the Apostolic Church you are so concerned about, and the Serbian Mother who taught you failed because of it, then the Moscovia must be the new Constantinople and the new Rome, and that means Jesus Christ Son of God must have preached the Gospel in Rome and the Apostles must have written the New Testament in the town of Byzantium some three hundred years later. This in turn would imply Ivan the Terrible was right after all!

Some tears came from hermana’s eyes and rolled down her cheeks, and I continued: Either that, or the Kyivan Rus, as you yourself once gave me to understand, are one of the Rus nations whose Church originates in the Spirit from the Apostolic Greek Ecclesia founded in the days of the Apostles predating any presence of theirs in Rome and long before Constantinople was built.

In Serbian

Our night of talk began to come to an end when I then made known this decision: My dear sister, owing to you I learnt some Serbian because you wanted to travel to Serbia.

You recently told me that I can spit the Italian language out of my mouth as you didn’t feel you needed it any more – after all they turned you down again. But, you know, I still remember some Serbian, and although it may not be perfect for lack of practice, I will venture to write this communion you wanted as a preface to your future studies in the Land of the Rhine, but in Serbian!

Sister Hun looked at me with surprise as her eyes fixed on mine, a slight smile appearing on her face. And I went on to promise her: If we do make it to Germany, then I will also write it in German, here at The Party, after which it can be used as the introduction to your studies once they are ready for public presentation.

The Communion

This is the spiritual event Angela asked me to write as an introduction, to be published with the results of her future studies in German Land. Only, it is in Serbian, perhaps not properly fluent, but as best I could remember that language. I wrote it in the Latin alphabet for absence of Cyrillic letters on my keyboard.

*** *** ***

Posle što moja sestra Angela i ja smo se vratili – iz Grčke i preko Bugarske – u Srbiju na Vaskrs, preko Niša smo došli do Valjeva gde je moja sestra spremala svoj srpski rukopis. Potom smo se vratili u Italiju.

Pa duhovno je stigla Srpska Majka u Nemačku a vidim da sa njom je Angela. One idu u nemačku kuču gde bude gostove. Tamo, Srpska i Nemačka Majke sede oko stola i se pričaiu prijateljsko, Angela blizu njih.

Ja sam u istoj kuči i istoj sobi blizu zida a vidim kao Angela šalje jedny stranicu papira. Ova stranica stiže do mene a vidim na njoj napisano ime: devojčica. … gledam opet ovu stranicu, a vidim napisano dva puta: devojčica. Gledam još, a vidim napisano tri puta: devojčica.

*** *** ***

What can I say? There is one devojčica missing from Germany, she’s currently in Mexico.


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