The Rus Church

Angela’s intention is to present this Ecclesia in Germany.

A Declaration of Intent

Following our last publication When a Deceased Brother Can Be More Effective Than a Live One, Angela got back to me and, having read the Serbian I wrote on that page, said: Brother, he can, when sister return home in Germany, help her write about Church of Rus in Serbian!

Good! This will involve going back to studying Serbian in deutschen Lande in order to become acquainted again with the vocabulary, and later writing some basic phrases in the language of the Serbs following Angela’s directives. Let us not forget that the text in Valjevo that she used as her matrix for the English Church was written in Cyrillic Serbian. She had kept the beeswax original hidden in her jacket pocket so that it couldn’t be stolen.

Spiritual Link

Currently in Mexico, my sister insists that her intended future presentations in relation to the spiritual Rus Mother must be predicated upon her previous contacts with the Serbian spiritual Mother, and, by way of the Valjevo blueprint, link with the original Hellenic Apostolic Church as of its foundations.

Here is today’s Party musical presentation.

If this were not to be, the very Ecclesia of the Greek nation would be hijacked and taken over by institutional constructs that came out later. Angela’s return to Serbia from Greece would be cancelled and the church-Abortionist in Italy would only continue along his road of sabotage.

Equal Status

In my sister’s vocabulary, the various Rus peoples are of equal dignity and status, they each have a share in the spiritual foundations of their own Church, and this connects back in the Spirit to the apostolic days of old, not to Rome, not to Constantinople.

Her brother is happy she chose Germany as the land where to dedicate herself to these presentations.


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