Germany Pays 55 Million Euros a Day to the EU

So I give you 10 dollars of my money, you give me back 6 bucks of my money and claim it came from you!”

The EU Rip-Off

In the course of a year, around 53 billion euros of German public funds are handed over to the commissars of the European Union – who no nation ever elected. After deducting from the count the part that comes back, a net sum of around 20 billion goes on a one-way ticket to fund the economies of other countries in the EU – and that’s on a yearly basis. The sum of detracted German wealth handed over to others for free is an increase from the 13.5 billion euros that Germany on average was paying as net contribution to the EU between 2014 and 2020.

This money is taken by EU officials from the German Folk, from the people which successive German governments enslaved into becoming a permanent net contributor from day one of European Union membership which Germany never voted for. Under communist EU law, there is no reprieve from this status of bondage, no matter how dire the economic situation is in Germany.

Insult to Injury

And so the wealth-creating funds are handed over to other countries, not as German money given for free, but as ‘EU funds’, as if the commissars and their bureaucrats had ‘generously’ handed over the cash from their own pocket.

Adding insult to injury, the part of the 53 billion euros – which is the original annual sum taken from the Folk – that does come back, doesn’t return as Germany’s own money that was already handed over to the EU commissariat, but as ‘EU funding’. Again, as if it were generously given by the commissars from their own pocket.

By Comparison

To understand better how the German economy is being extensively dilapidated, the second largest net contributor to the EU is France, which annually pays to the EU about 10 billion euros more than it gets back. Third place falls to Italy which pays a net contribution of around 4 billion euros yearly.

By contrast, Poland is the biggest net recipient, receiving every year ‘from the EU’ (therefore not from Germany, France or Italy) around 12 to 13 billion euros more than it pays in, for free, all paid for by others, and no need to even say ‘thank you’ to Germany, to France, to Italy or to any other net contributing countries.

Die Hunnin

Knowing my sister and being able to discern her emotional thoughts going by how she reacts to being ignored and turned away, and how she ponders things over and then makes her next move, I’ve come to the conclusion that she’s had enough of being rebuked by German governments who already turned her down not only in 2018, but years earlier when we were in Italy (the Italians also turned her down).

She asked me recently, as seen in our last Party publications, to style out in German the communion event in which I was present shortly after our last return from Serbia to Italy. Methinks she has something in mind, and because I know she had already, in her own words, ‘made a phone call to Greece from a public phone box’ and made spiritual contact with the Greek Mother, as a good Hun I need to think quickly before the sand has run out of the up-turned glass and the hour is over.

Wir Fahren Nach Lodz!

It’s known to me that successive German governments have decided they do not want Angela in Germany because they are mostly interested in serving Poland, who tells them: ‘You owe us’. As a result of this false narrative, Germany has to pay.

As for me, I the Hun did not receive one Groschen from Germany to contribute to Angela’s intended research into the origins of the Rhine Church and which she hasn’t started nor can. Unbelievable! That’s right, not one grote. No work contract for Angela, no nothing.

Njet Sikorski!

My silver Reichsmarks I invested along with my hard labour and my gold in Angela’s studies for the English Church, and later the Scottish, and then she was denied entry to the Land of the Rhine. The German government had chosen Lodz instead and now the chickens are coming back to roost.

Poland is again demanding the German Folk declare themselves collectively guilty for a war that was originally planned in August 1939 as a Polish invasion of Germany with a fully mobilised Polish army ready to march on Berlin.

Some Historical Facts

It all had to do with a pending Jewish revolt in Palestine planned for October 1939 in which Poland was preparing to participate by way of 40,000 militia and plenty of weapons and ammunition to be sent with them to Palestine.

The revolt was meant to be the response to the 1939 White Paper coming from Whitehall & Westminster declaring the end of the League of Nations British Mandate for Palestine. The 1939 White Paper was contrary to what was originally intended in the Balfour Declaration of 1917 and the successive League of Nations mandate that was based upon this declaration concerning a Jewish homeland in Palestine.

Plan B

So in order to prevent this revolt happening, Poland was offered an alternative, and the plan B stated: invade Germany instead, and do another Oberschlesien on Germany like you did just after the First World War.

Mädel explained to the Germans in a Wirtschaft in Bavaria that it all had to do with King Ibn Saud’s newly discovered oil fields and his promise to the British government that unless they abolish the Jewish homeland in Palestine, they could wave bye-bye to his friendship and to his oil.

I Don’t Know What You’re Trying to Tell Me” (Not recommended)

In the recent publication The Castle on the Rhine, I presented Angela’s request that I write in German the communion introduction to her intended future studies for the Rhine Church and present it here at The Party.

Based upon my knowledge of how Angela reacts to a situation, I began to have doubts. While in Mexico and with her spiritual contacts, she had spiritually just left behind her failed attempts to help Italy and decided to cross a bridge to Greece. And when my sister makes a decision, she means it!

Here is the Party musical offer of the day.

Hence it occurred to me that hermana is possibly giving Germany one more chance, and if the reply is a nothing but ‘we don’t know what she is trying to say’, Angela might call it a day. Then you can go to Lodz, to a Mahnmal and paying Poland all the way, and forget the Rhine Church you chose to sacrifice!

Of-course sister Hun might know something I don’t and genuinely believe she will be in German Land soon – but if so, she didn’t tell me. All she said was: Brother publish the communion event in German!


Thinking it over in the past several days, indeed brother came to the following conclusion: if Angela went with her brother to Greece, she could proclaim far and wide to the public that she refused to betray the Serbian Mother and Child, and, in so doing, maintain in high regard the honour of the Serbian Lady and therewith the Apostolic Greek Faith She taught die junge Hunnin to abide to.

But Germany would go the way Italy went, namely to a church Abortion. There they received thirty pounds sterling and the betrayal also got exposed by way of the Thirty Pound Stamp circulated in High over Britain of the Britishes.

Still, by then the English Child had already made it from the lower house in Germany to the heavenly House, so he’s fine! And if one thinks it over, Germany doesn’t owe England anything, really, nor does England need to be concerned over the accomplished English Church – fully presented in public domain by Angela. Rather, the Germans should be concerned about the German Child because die Hunnin hasn’t been able to dedicate herself to the German ecclesiastic foundations, and not about surrendering to Poland.

From My Perspective

When I shut down Mädel’s restaurant in England, this I did for the German Mother who had come to me in communion many times since Angela and her brother’s last return from Serbia.

Having burned the bridge behind her once she left, there is nothing else I have to offer Freundin, so she can’t come back and try again in England. Consequently, as a result of these vital considerations, I needed to carefully think before publishing auf deutsch the communion event relating to Serbian Mother and German Mother lest the German State just fling it all to the wind and shrug it off, preferring instead to pander to and be humiliated by Poland.

The Default Line

As we’re talking of the Rhine Church, the one that is meant to be Under the Full Moon, sister refuses to allow anyone to arbitrarily come along (willkürlich durchgreifen) and exterminate (umtaufen auf EU und Lodz) her reference to the Serbian Mother of Valjevo and to the German Mother.

Should they persist along this road and continue knowingly turning her down or trying to brainwash her, my sister has prepared a fall back line to Greece, whereby if the Serbian Lady fell, so too would the Greek Apostolic Faith. This, indeed, is the default line of her Serbian matrix, which is binary: if the Serbian Mother is true, so too is the Apostolic Greek Faith. If She’s false, so too the Greek Church as of its foundations.


If we wait just a little longer, Mädel should have cleared out, and a new German government not from the old established post-war government parties can then take up the case, as I’m pretty sure it will be presented to them by the BundesVerfassungsSchutz so soon as they enter office.

All they need do then is prepare a 24 hour briefcase in the way recently described here (in the publication The Castle on the Rhine), and have it handed over to me in the transit room next door to England.

If not, then all my investment in Swiss francs too will have been for nothing, and Switzerland too would be bereft of my dear sister.


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