The German Church Must Succeed

Throwing away the national Church cannot be an option, and those in power who tried it need to be replaced.

They Have to Go!

In the autumn of 2021, the Rhine Scroll was assigned in the High City of Mexico not to England – which by that time already had its fully presented Church, but to Germany, and my sister in person assured me of this truth. As a result of this decision In High, see the 7th July 2023 page The Script for the Rhine Church, and the 25th December 2022 In Communion In and Out of England page which preceded it.

We have seen that the authorities in Germany, notwithstanding these and all the previous pages published in relation to the German Church, couldn’t care less, yet the price of desolation left to pay for the German Folk once the establishment in Berlin were to hand over the Advent of the Church Under the Full Moon to nothingness would have been too terrible to pay. Therefore, as a good Hun, in 2022 I sent Mädel to German Land to bring an end to the presence of the political parties that have embarked Germany on the road to desolation – regardless which political party it is that has been in government over the past decades.

They have to go, I told her, because I won’t be dealing with any of them! The German Mother chose you, She is with you!

It was my duty to make clear to Freundin that the Church of the German Nation is not anyone’s to give away, and that my loyalty towards the German Mother doesn’t know any rivalry. It’s the reason why it was given unto me to care for Angela Hun, whose homeland is the Land of the Rhine.

Challenging Destiny

Recently it’s been highlighted here how the Italian State’s officially given reason for turning down Angela was “you cannot change people!”. This course didn’t change over the years as the Italian State plodded on in its failed fantasies to install NATO and EU domination over Europe, not even when the Italian spiritual Mother wanted a work contract for sister Hun to do what she needs to in Italy. Even Her denunciation of the thirty pound sterling deal was not enough to change their mind.

In our 30th April 2021 edition El Santo Padre Mexicano Ignores Italy’s Posture, it was made clear how, in communion, it was shown that He who gives, can also take back if the gift is not appreciated. Angela had gone to Mexico on the first day of September 2019 after completing her dedication to the English Child, and if the Italians were not interested in her, then that left, by all right, the Holy Father of the Mexicans in the position to state His point – which He did.

Angela came to the world to offer change, as too did her two friends, and if this cannot be appreciated, then one may have to go without that which was offered.

The Opposite of Innovation

Choosing abortion of the national Church in order to avoid the change that has to come about is never going to be a wise choice, not even if the decision came from a self-proclaimed founding father of Europe fossilised in his failed enterprise. They should have sacked him and allowed Angela in rather than fighting against change and keeping a fossil!

The Italian Mother’s original intention dating back to a year ago was for my sister to do her needed studies in Italy based on a State contract with funding, and then move on to German Land. That was all, no mention of her two friends who are in Germany, straight forward and simple.

Mädel being in Germany bringing around a change with regards to who gets to deliberating in the Reichstag, this left a window of opportunity within a time frame for Angela to get on with her business in Italy using her Serbian matrix – an occasion that was flung away!

They Betrayed

When documenting the abortion of the Italian Church, it’s essential to note that the Italian State actors involved at secret and at institutional level were operating with the British Establishment to whom they sold out for Thirty Silver Pounds (Sterling).

The British Establishment therefore is as much involved in the abortion of this national Ecclesia as the Italian State itself is, each performing the part mentioned, the blueprints of which are in the Scriptures. In fact on one side there is Judas Iscariot and on the other we see the high priests at the man-made human temple in which king Herod had invested so much publicly funded money.*

I repeated this fold of events, as in the previous editions, out of justice towards the Italian spiritual Mother who was betrayed by people holding office in Italy but working for a foreign human monarchy.

She never did anything to sabotage the English Church or make the English Child fail, contrary to the people who the Italian State actors sold out to – Sacrifice Man, the one who failed in his attempt at sacrificing the English national Church.

Angela had made it clear from the start: the Italian door cannot be opened in England!

*Herod’s lavish investment in the second Temple was contrary to its original purpose which had been to serve as a more humble version of the first one erected under King Solomon.

Here is today's Party march.

Don’t Be Nice to Him!

These words, I said to Mädel before she left England, are not what the Scots are supposed to have uttered. According to the Law of Priory Train Station, a nation must be nice to the Child on their own train. And so I briefed her: See to it that the German government does not get to bringing ruination on the German Child and that the German Church is not cancelled and replaced with a Mahnmal dedicated to the Religion of Guilt.

Looking Freundin in the eyes, I warned her that the road in Germany is plastered with Stolpersteine that have been laid out in such a way that people trip over them and land on their face on the pavement, a voice then being activated through a loudspeaker giving the following orders: Und jetzt fahren sie nach Lodz auf einer Pilgerfahrt, und während sie an der neuen polnischen Grenze vorbeigehen, schreien sie: Ich schäme mich!

My recommendation to Mädel was: Don’t be nice to the political parties that have been in government over the recent decades in Germany, because if you don’t clear out with an iron broom, those people will just sit there and let the intended German Cathedral and Dome* go the way the Italian one did, and Sacrifice Man will have another medal placed on his chest, and what he failed to do to the English Child, he’ll do to the German because in Berlin they’ll allow him to.

*See our page In Communion In and Out of England.


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