Germany Cannot Afford to Surrender
The Hun says: Do not take for granted the power you were given lest it be taken from you!
A Dispute Over the Spirit
In Serbia, Angela, who came to the world in Germany and has never been baptised by human hand, had a dispute with some human holy fathers who were unwilling to accept she had received the Spirit in a church in Valjevo.
Having had spiritual contact with the Serbian Holy Mother and Child, she insisted that the belief in One Holy Father and the assertion that He is the Only Holy Father from whom the Spirit comes forth, is not contrary to the Orthodox Faith.
Mother and Child of the Serbian Folk
At the time I assumed that, apart from the Holy Father, the ecclesial Mother of the Serbs must also have given the Holy Spirit, for my sister claimed to have received the church calendar from Her in the church dedicated to Presveta Bogorodica and to have also worked with the Serbian Child in order to compile her matrix in Valjevo. This she had carefully concealed between two layers of cloth in her jacket pocket on slipping out from the Rotten Floorboard by the sea, I her brother at her side.
As for the calendar, my conclusion was that the ones who betrayed the Serbs and sold out to the EU ‘founding fathers of Europe’ and to their Church Abortionist man probably didn’t see anything owing to its being spiritual. Her brother didn’t see it either yet he did believe her. It’s the main reason why I sent Freundin on to Germany in 2022, because her friend Angela assures us that she needs to research the Church under the Full Moon as according to this calendar regardless of the lies coming from Herod’s police commander.
Defending Germany
In Valjevo, young Angela was telling people that Serbia was under attack from the West and she had attracted a crowd around her as they listened with great interest. Some of what happened is presented in our 29th March 2023 print A Shadow Travels to Belgrade.
In our later 13th May 2023 edition The Defence of Aachen, it’s been made clear that the German Mother made the defence of Aachen the priority for defending the Reich, otherwise the British establishment will be marching through and infiltrating, and as we have seen since that page, this would be followed by the cuckoo coming from Britain trying to replace the German Child.
Similarly, the Italian Mother prevented the Italian Scroll being taken in Italy and trafficked out to Britain, meaning that both Germany and Italy have defence mechanisms against the British Antichrist penetrating, taking over and shutting down. This is similar to Valjevo in Serbia which was the defence against the West taking over Belgrade and the Serbian Nation while using the Rotten Plank as a springboard by way of infiltration, and to Folkestone in England which served as England’s defence in the War waged by the British against the English Church.
Specifically in relation to Italy and Germany, the Defence of Aachen page also links to the publication Two Cathedrals, Two National Churches, and it’s evident that, following England, there are two national Churches my sister was meant to research, one Italian, the other German, and that Herod’s uk police commander had planned to possess these and steer them into ruination in the same way he’s tried cancelling the Serbian Church and the English. In this regard, the page also links to the publication The Serbian Church Either Won, or Lost.
Modes of Defence
The case has been presented at The Party that this person and the institutional army working with him has inside contacts in Italy, and that the Italian part opened the gates to the British Antichrist many years ago in order to target Angela and make her fail while she was working for the Italian spiritual Mother. We have seen that he then went on to sell out to the British for thirty pounds (sterling) at some point in autumn of last year 2022 after seeing that the Italian Santa Madre needed Angela back.
The Italiana defended Herself by having this act of betrayal publicly exposed on Party space for the current and future generations to see, whereas the German Lady offered Freundin the place in the Wirtschaft in order to clear out all political parties that have been in government over the past decades in Berlin.
Economic ‘Miracles’
Were it not for Mädel, these people would just go on and on bankrupting German society, paying tributes to half of Europe in the form of EU net contributor payments, and desperately seeking to fit in to the Silk Road initiative of the Great Khanate of the Golden Horde, totally dependent on China’s economic … ‘miracles’.
For these people, the Rhine Church at best is something they could give away to some other nation as a contribution towards war and guilt reparations, perhaps along with a new border on the Elbe, or indeed on the Rhine whereby Dutch Land (Deutsches Land) would be confined to the Netherlands.
“We Don’t Care for This Church”
With a one-point-five birth rate per woman and a public debt that spiralled out of control, along with all the financial obligations towards other countries they inflicted on the Germans, these people wouldn’t think twice before casually disposing of the Church under the Full Moon in order to perpetuate their insane dreams of a communist Khaganate called the ‘European Union’ connected to the central apparatus in China.
However, as a man of Limburg, in our last Party page The German Church Must Succeed, I wrote: “throwing away the national Church cannot be an option, and those in power who tried it need to be replaced”.
Victory – or Total Defeat
In communion, the German Mother once showed me the Church in the Land of the Rhine at the end of a pathway in the countryside, the Full Moon in Heaven over this Cathedral with Dome. But not much time later, She also showed me the opposite of this, what would come to be if the Herodian police commander is allowed to inflict his version of a monarchy over Germany: the foreign and human one that no German government is supposed to surrender to.
When the Church Abortionist in Italy sold out to this same monarchy for thirty pounds sterling in the autumn of last year, the Italian Mother refused to accept it. Going by the Law of Chivasso, there is an alliance between Her and the German Lady that prevents the British infiltrating and taking over either in Italy or in Deutsches Land.
Locked Door
When we did finally get to England in order to abide to the Law of Priory Train Station, one of the first principles Angela established is that the Italian door cannot be opened in England, and this is guaranteed by two empty spaces in her vision of the union flag. Therefore, Herod’s police commander and his ilk are unable to keep their false promises because they cannot replace Angela nor steal her work, not even by lying, cheating, bluffing and applying prison methods – in agreement with certain institutions in Italy.
Angela was shocked by Italy’s negative reply to her request in the autumn of last year to return, considering it a betrayal. She knows owing to her own spiritual contacts and her calendar that the Italian Ecclesia cannot be discovered and presented in England, but someone in Italy who already betrayed time and again chose to use his special licence of authority and power to sabotage one more time.
On Taking for Granted
My view on her shocked response is that the Italian State did not appreciate how a party that had a fractional representation only a few years earlier, in a short time became the most popular party and then formed the backbone of a new government. They assumed it came about through their own skills, but in realty there was more to it, and they shouldn’t have taken for granted that which was given unto them to then turn down the Italian Church.
As die Hunnin has stated, the Italian door will not be unlocked and opened in England. Herod’s police do not have the power to open that door, just as they have null power to fill in the two empty frames of the union flag, neither of which were mentioned in any shape or form in the Law of Priory Train Station which concerned solely the English and the Scots.
As a good Hun, I do not take anything for granted, and unless there is a binding work contract guaranteed at State level with the corresponding financial obligations whereby all false dealings are rendered null, all Italy has left is Herod’s fake promises. He paid thirty pounds sterling so what does one expect him to give other than the Sacrifice of a Church? That too can be taken for granted.
No Guilt Accepted!
I also made clear that the Italian State and its institutions are not going to inflict onto the Hun the guilt of Church Abortionist and his institutional back-ups who helped him, or onto his sister Angela who they would have happily seen imprisoned in a British torture chamber had it gone according to their plan.
They committed Treason of the worst sort, they got paid for it and they got denounced for it, signed by the Italian spiritual Mother. Brother Hun had the honour of conveying over to the whole world here on Party space Her denunciation of this Betrayal for present and future generations to know.
Sister Hun and her brother returned to Serbia at Easter after crossing through Greece in order to avoid the Swamp, and here is today’s Party presentation.
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