When Angela Went to Greece
The very first words Angela said in Germany when she spoke were: Heute ist Karfreitag, followed by a shudder.
Resurrection Not Crucifixion
On planning our final return to Serbia, my sister had worked out a route that would bring us directly from Greece to Serbia. This she did in order to avoid being dragged down again in the Swamp where the Church-Abortionist stationed in Italy had set up his own base and was operating at an industrial level to destroy the Spirit in the Serbian Church, churning out lies and deceit at the same speed and tempo of a sausage factory*.
How we arrived in Serbia from Greece and how it was connected to the Resurrection of the Saviour has been amply explained here at The Party and needn’t be repeated on this page, but when Angela put her research to script in Valjevo, the Serbian matrix as I have called it came to the conclusion that the Serbian Church in its origins goes back to the Greek Church. That was as far as it got.
Here is today’s first Party music dance.
*He would later go on to abort the Italian Church.
Limited Spending Possibilities and No Work Contract
My funds were by now limited, however they sufficed, but the Abortionist in Italy banked on these running out, then his diabolic schemes would appear again from behind the mask. He was just waiting to replace Resurrection and offer Serbia spiritual desolation. He had already made sure that a fake promise of a work contract was given on the Rotten Plank and that it was broken, and he had also seen to it that humiliation would be later inflicted in Belgrade and in Greece by way of this premeditated lie.
The Spiritual Links
In our last print Germany Cannot Afford to Surrender, I wrote: “Angela … had a dispute with some human holy fathers who were unwilling to accept she had received the Spirit in a church in Valjevo”. Back then she remained adamant, her line being that there is only one Holy Father and that the Spirit comes in the name of the Holy Trinity and of its own free will. She insisted her Faith was imparted unto her by the Serbian spiritual Mother and was in line with the fundamental Orthodox belief.
A Mysterious Person
Recently I asked Alexandra if Wolfgang, a Captain in the German Army with his own Intelligence connections, knows about the person who in the autumn of 2019 was sent to me in the street in England to engage in conversation – the episode has been mentioned in previous Party pages. After sounding off about the British police, she then pretended not to know anything I was trying to tell her when I gave a reply. It was premeditated and planned.
Alexandra told me Wolfgang is aware of this, he also knows full well about the necessity for Angela – and Alexandra herself – to do their research on the Church under the Full Moon in German Land and in Switzerland, and that the British are trying to impose on Germany the same Abortion they set about inflicting on the Italian Church.
He says the British have been howling around at secret government level with a deranged expression on their face and concocting schemes to nowhere and that they’ve been trying to bring Germany down into ruination. He’s also aware they’ve tried cancelling all reference to the Serbian Mother and Child and are seeking to have Angela arrested and deported to a British prison once she were to arrive in Germany.
Although she’s German, they claim it’s in the public British interest for her to be silenced in order to prevent her work on the English Church ever being promoted in Germany at some point in the future. The British Intelligence know she indicated two empty spaces, one for the Welsh and one for the Irish in a depiction of the union flag, and they are furious that she declared Jesus as the rightful High Priest and King of the English.
More to It
Wolfgang also hinted the British had come to understand that Angela’s brother was unable to illuminate them, but they also know that unless he’s in Germany with a work contract guaranteed by the State, his sister won’t be leaving Mexico.
Having his own intelligence connections, Wolfgang stated the British are trying to break the spiritual link between Serbia and Germany and have prepared a fake document whereby ‘Angela went to Buckingham palace and was received by the queen and promised to support her son’s accession to the throne as head of the English Church’.
Readers might be aware that what Angela said – she never went to Buckingham palace and was never received by anyone there – was that if the prince of Wales is crowned, he’ll become the king of Wales. That’s all!
Here is today’s second Party tune.
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