
Showing posts from March, 2023

A Shadow Travels to Belgrade

What goes around comes around. Something was following Angela around, but she always evaded it. Serbian Mother Breaks a Spell Readers at The Party are fully aware that Angela received her spiritual church calendar in Valjevo, in the church dedicated to Presveta Bogorodica , from the Serbian Holy Mother with whom she was in spiritual contact, and that she also did all her written work there on the origins of the Serbian Church, keeping the original for herself concealed in her jacket pocket and getting her brother to style out on paper a copy that later got stolen. This theft did not take place in Valjevo but had to do with a false entity trying to invent itself by way of an unworldly manifestation. Angela refused to accept it as valid, saying: What that black shadow on mountain? She claimed it had leapt down from a hilltop and entered the train and was trying to cast a spell on us so that we would get down in Belgrade, but because she was heading to Valjevo to continue her stu...

The Russian Church and Angela

Her brother may be who he is, not a likeable person perhaps, but Angela needs to do her work and will not be placed in a prison! In His Own Image We have seen that Angela in Italy also had the intention of looking into the Russian Church, her spiritual contacts enabl ing her to do so, and that this was in relation to her previous contact with the Serbian Mother and was connected to her studies into the Italian Church. Whereas in the Swamp they stole her Serbian manuscript, in Italy they hid away her Italian research, and this brings us back to the Thirty Pound postage stamp the Italian Lady handed the British following their attempt at locking Her up in a British prison. The Battle of Chivasso is proof that the British lost at every level, whether human or spiritual, because neither Germany nor Italy sho ul d be made to submit to the man who peddles Halloween pumpkins crafted in his own image. Oath of Allegiance Armed with an oath to the person he swears his allegiance to...

Corso Imperatrice and Angela

When Angela says No! , that means  No! Angela Said No! In our last page It All Started in Serbia I put to writing: “In an upcoming print, I will explain here at The Party why the Russians In High are essential in saving the Italian Church, and not only, but every national Church!” And I went on to state: “the Communion event in relation to this was shown me in Italy after the Italian State turned rogue and betrayed Angela”. Well Angela contacted me and said that what I know about the communion I was party to is not as much as she knows and therefore not to write anything at all about it unless we are back in Italy where we were at the time of the events. Britishes inches* on fence say did investigated and gave to Russia! , was her alarmed statement, and I think she meant they sit on a fence knowing nothing and then claim that all this came from their investigations and they got this out of a prison. *Her way of using the Italian word pollici in plural, a unit of meas...

It All Started in Serbia

The Church of Presveta Bogorodica would either succeed, or fail, but the Serbian Mother cannot afford to lose and so the War must go on! Serbian Conditions When Angela first arrived in England she came from Germany, and this was conditional on her going back there in the future, but her return to England was contingent solely upon her journeys to Valjevo at the very start of her itinerant studies. In Serbia she received the spiritual church calendar from the Serbian Holy Mother, and using this calendar Angela and her brother later returned to Serbia at Easter by avoiding the Swamp. That our presence in Valjevo was conditional to our returning to England has been clearly presented here on Party space in earlier pages. And this brings us to her intended studies in Germany: again, they are solely justified by Angela’s prior presence in Valjevo and the Serbian Holy Mother’s promise that sister Hun would return to Germany: to the Land of the Rhine and therefore to her home...

Srpska Duhovna Majka

Angela returned to Serbia at Easter and will not be sacrificed to the Swamp. Easter Not Crucifixion There are only a few conditions attached to the Italian State’s contract-in-waiting with brother Hun and these have been made evident in previous pages published at The Party : when Angela has completed her research in Italy, she is going with her brother to German land reckoned as north-east from Chivasso. This is on account of her going to Serbia when she started her studies and, following Easter, being promised to Germany by the Serbian Mother along with her friends Alexandra and Mädel, both of whom are already in Germany. Having returned to Serbia at Easter by avoiding the Swamp, Angela proved that she knew how to use the spiritual church calendar given her by Srpska Majka . No-one is allowed to render vain Angela ’s achievements accomplished in Valjevo where she prepared the matrix for national churches while resisting the empires that were at war against her . Serbia or th...

Quanto costa una Santa Madre con la sua chiesa?

Where the Antichrist is, there too are t he human ‘high priests’ trying to hold on to their positions and Judas Iscariot intent on selling out to them. Questa pubb l icazione viene presentata in inglese e in italiano. Implications of Silence Going by what is written at The Party , if the Italian State does not contact me in England concerning the return of Angela who is in Mexico, then the secret agency working under a previous government agenda is implying that the Spiritual Mother of the Italians is a liar. Then the conclusion is they deny attempting to sell la Santa Madre Italiana for thirty silver pieces to the British and to their human monarchy and are going to sit there in silence and sacrifice the Italian Church in a War against the ticking clock . By extension it also implies that Angela is a liar who never went to Valjevo in Serbia, never did anything there, never researched the foundation of the Italian Church in Italy and that the Italian State did not take her ...