Italy Leaving Babylon-the-EU
From Humiliation to Perdition
Italy is reduced to scraping and bowing at the EU Commissariat waiting for payments of fake-money called quantitative easing. In return for this money, foreign powers are telling the Italians what to believe in, and what not to believe, what to do, and what not to do.
Mädel however has told the Italians to leave the European Union, as seen in our recent edition Italy Leaving the European Union, having offered a better dish than what the EU maniacs offered – the ones who tried claiming the Twelve Stars of the Heavenly Lady and Child. These EU maniacs, called commissars, offered prosperity and instead gave Italy bankruptcy. They told the Italians to go the same way Serbia went when an unmentionable place which embraced the lie tried selling off Holy Mother and Child in an attempt to enter the European Union. They got paid peanuts by foreign powers to betray, and look where it got them! This isn’t the way Italy should go, and for this reason the Italians should contact Mädel at the English Chancellery in England, taking care to avoid worshipping the people who fled Buckingham palace and who cannot offer Italy anything concerning solutions to economic bankruptcy.
Come Out of Babylon!
Mädel chose the Hun, she shares with me some of her policies, but has strictly warned me not to give anything away to people who adore and worship the institution that has laid claim to the Twelve Stars of Heaven. Aside from that, what I know from her on economics is very limited, but even then! The point is, a Lady and Child must not be humiliated by their own folk, disowned, or indeed sold! Nor can the EU take possession of the keys to prosperity and use these for their own, perverse ends. What comes from Sodom, goes to Gomorrah, but that which comes from High cannot be stolen by the perverted and used to take over society and lead the souls of people to perdition! According to Mädel, the EU is doomed to perdition, along with all its fakery, its fake money and its perverted ‘values’ and all the lies it preached, for which reason Italy needs to come out of Babylon.
Not Satan but Deus!
Currently, the EU commissars are holding nations to ransom, promising fake money called the ‘pandemic recovery fund’ and refusing to give any of this false finance – which is created out of thin air – to any country among twenty-seven that refuses all the signs and marks imposed by the Beast, as has been happening to Hungary and Poland. The commissars teach nations to throw away the sanctity of marriage and to trample on sane family values and to teach this to children in schools and on television and in public places. Those who refuse are outlawed and an attempt is made to prevent them from buying and selling and from trading – as is happening to Hungary and Poland. However, Mädel wants to instil dignity into the Italians and has offered an alternative to the Diabolic! And she will never hand her keys over to a third party, whether this be Phosphorus, Humpty Dumpty of Balmoral castle or whomsoever. She has given the Hun, whom she chose, the command to make this clear. Claro!
See our edition: The Mexican Holy Father Ignores Italy's Posture.
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