UK and Saudi Wahhabi Conversion

Obedient Converts to Wahhabi Ibn

Today The Party is taking another look at the situation in Yemen, where a war has been ongoing for the past seven years. The converts of the ‘UK government’ are the major ally of the Saudi private oil-dynasty family that gave its name to Saudi Arabia. As we have been able to establish in recent Party publications, the City establishment converted to the Wahhabi doctrine of their uncle Ibn Saud before the Second World War was started, and this conversion was in return for money … trillions and trillions of petrodollars calculated over the decades.

This explains why the City Babylon betrayed the Jews during the period of the League of Nations Mandate for Palestine and then in 1939 illegally abolished this mandate in order to appease their uncle Ibn Saud, the godfather of the City, who calls the Jews ‘cursed by God to eternal damnation’. Back then in the 1930s he recommended that the City government read the Quran and apply that part of it which concerns the Jews. The City, as we have seen, obediently complied, thus appeasing their godfather who paid them richly for their conversion. They later went on to reduce almost every German city to ruins through relentless firebombing – a sheer hell on Earth. Many, many churches were destroyed too! The convert did his part to damage Jew and Christian in order to appease.

Background to Yemen War

The following is a brief description of the events that took place in Yemen, and some of the text, for reasons of space, is being rendered by way of an artist’s impression, while names and dates are generally omitted as these can be researched by way of the newspapers.

When the president of Yemen, based in Sana’a, was informed by other Yemenis about seven years ago that his provisory mandate had expired – it had actually expired the second time but this time they weren’t going to allow him to extend his mandate as he had no authority to do so – he decided he wasn’t going to allow Yemeni people to make decisions for their own country and rang his master, Uncle Bin in Saudi Arabia. The people had told him that he had not achieved within the set time frame as provisory president what he had been asked to do, which was to bring about an agreement between the various tribes of Yemen concerning constitutional matters, so he asked foreign King Saud to nominate him as perpetual president of the country.

After moving from Sana’a to Aden and stirring up opposition, he managed to get Saudi Arabia’s private oil-dynasty family to have him proclaimed internationally as the ‘legitimate president forever of Yemen’ – though no-one had elected him after his provisory term had expired. Since then he has been living in Saudi Arabia while being proclaimed by the United Nations as ‘the forever president of Yemen’ and the ‘internationally recognised government of Yemen’ – who resides in Saudi Arabia and was never elected by anyone to these positions, either as president or as government.

Enter Uncle Bin & Co.

The Saudi private family oil-dynasty-government then recruited the convert in the City to back him in attacking Yemen with military might, using aeroplanes built in the West and missiles and warships and armoured vehicles and paying much money to recruit Yemenis to fight for him against their kinsmen. Meanwhile, the ‘president forever of Yemen’ sat in Saudi Arabia as guest of his master, not bothering to go back to his own country, and yet considered by the UN as the ‘forever internationally recognised and legitimate government of Yemen’ but with no democratic mandate except a provisory one that had expired before the war started (which is why it started because he refused to step down when his mandate came to an inconclusive end).

Seven years on into his version of a new non-elected presidency, hundreds of thousands of people in Yemen have been either killed or have died through starvation, malnutrition and disease because of the Saudi and allied invasion, and the City convert is still desperately sending weapons and missiles to his Uncle Saud to attack Yemen – in return for billions of petrodollars. Never mind genocide, or a ‘forever president recognised forever by the UN as the legitimate government of Yemen who lives in Saudi Arabia and was elected by nobody’, and forget the Geneva Conventions on war crimes and crimes against humanity, what counts is that the convert can keep his master supplied with sophisticated weaponry to keep in power a forever-president of Yemen recognised by the ‘international community’ because their Uncle Saud said so, and the oil revenues keep flowing and the petrodollars keep pouring into the City.

Remember, Remember …

The city is too big to fail – until it fails! Mrs. Mountbatten wants to return to Buckingham palace from wherever she went in hiding, trotting along in a golden carriage while hundreds of actors of Bletchley Park turn out to greet and cheer as the sun rises again over the British Empire. And for this to be accomplished, the oil revenues must keep on coming in to the City, whose biggest financial investors are the private oil dynasties of the Arabian peninsular. Tony Blair too knows this, for he runs an institute dedicated to changing the world and is usually somewhere in the United Arab Emirates brokering arms deals while working as a parallel government for the City, even though no-one elected him or voted for his institute intent on bringing about a new world order. But clearly someone does pay him a lot of money. Another forever prime minister backed and paid by Arabian oil dynasties!

I Can’t Breathe

These were Jamal Khashoggi’s last words in the Saudi embassy in Istanbul, Turkey, in October 2018. He kept repeating this sentence because they had covered his head with a plastic bag and were about to murder him. This did not prevent the faithful City convert from continuing to obediently comply with his master’s voice in dealing with Yemen.

Our Fair Lady and English Child

Regardless what the City convert says to the contrary, the Hun shall never disobey orders by surrendering to those who would get rid of Holy Mother and Child of the English Folk.

At The Party we reckon that the City bankers and their enablers will instinctively grab hoards of treasures and make a run for it – while creating a diversion to distract the public – when the time comes for the City to be officially recognised as bankrupt. That said, perhaps they already have.


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