Komm Theo wir fahren nach Lodz – OK, Bye!
The spiritual Rus Mother had said to me many years ago in Italy: You can stay with us!, and that is what I decided to do.
So Long Then!
I informed my sister of this decision several months ago as mentioned here on Party space in the 30th April 2024 publication From the Cape of Good Hope to Rotterdam, where I mentioned the prospect of a ‘thirty year journey of good hope and fortune for a bottle of brandy to reach the Rhine’.
In fact I assured hermana that I will never again repeat either by mouth or by handwriting her offer to Germany and Switzerland, it’s been up and running at The Party in both its versions since 2018, and if they prefer to go without the Rhine Church, I won’t be running down the street to Lodz after them!
The train was supposed to travel from Germany to Switzerland, not to Poland, but if they decided to go there instead, then, as stated: Ich laufe euch der Straรe entlang nicht hinterher!
Then good-bye and farewell! Your god be with you and Hals- und Beinbruch!
Only You (Angela)
Only sestra could have interpreted the scroll in Swiss German and in German for I didn’t grasp one word of it either by reading or by hearing, this having been carefully explained in the 7th July 2023 page The Script for the Rhine Church.
This means that without her, even if they came and dropped gold bars in front of me pure 24 karat, and just kept on dropping them at my boots, sorry, it would be just a waste of gold! I could never offer so much as one word to help bring about what only she could have done through research in the aforementioned countries. Taking in vain Angela is a tragic error.
A few months ago, the local branch of British government swore blue in the face they had nothing to do with aborting Italy’s Church. However I didn’t let them off the hook and what has been written at The Party in relation to the thirty pounds sterling, well it remains in place, not one word less!
It all goes back to when, many years ago, in Italy they buried sister Hun’s presentation of the foundations of the Italian Church, written in Italian, where it never belonged: inside a coffin, and then insisted ever since that “it never happened”.
Equally, that offer to work and to discover the cornerstone that is on the foundation shall never be repeated, and all the circumstances surrounding it described at The Party will remain intact as presented. And if they want to lie, they can do so to the Divine Authority sorella was in spiritual contact with.
Crkva Presvete Bogorodice
It all started in a church in Valjevo. After our last departure from there, Srpska Majka made three alliances, the first with England, the second with Germany, the third with Rus Mati, this one being the most direct.
If Mother Rus failed, so too would her Serbian spiritual Sister, Mother of the Serbs. And if the Kyivan Child didn’t make it, neither would his Serbian brother, because the powers that be declared they were going to sweep it all under a carpet. They said their human empires are too big to fail.
The Helping Rus
We need to remember that at this point in time there are still institutional people out there trying to imprison and possess Angela, and having thus far been unable to achieve this, they are still intent on sweeping all her work under a rug and preventing her from carrying out further studies.
This is why I need to depart from the British Isles, only then will sestra turn up. If not they will claim to be in a position to send the Church of Mother Rus along the road they sent the Italian and that of the Rhine. That would leave the English Child only in a heavenly House, and no other brothers there. Remember the Latvian brother and sister who confirmed this! Only, sadly, the Germans went to Lodz instead of listening to the Latvians. There was no need for Germany to surrender and forfeit the Church Under the Full Moon.
Here is today’s musical Party song.
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