Defending the National Church From Alien Transactions
Whether English, Rus or Serbian, the national Church must trace back to its origins and its identity must not be sold or misappropriated.
An Official Act
Many years ago I asked the British government in writing why they had flung a pot of paint at my sister’s public presentation of the English Church and smeared satanic graffiti over it – in front of all the onlookers – when I thought they were going to promote her achievement instead.
The British State gave their official written reply in public and on the same government forum (which had also received local-tier government funds to operate) on which I had asked the question, stating: “The English Church is irrelevant”.
“By Divine Right”
In writing and on the same public platform I responded to their official reply by underlining Angela’s insistence that Jesus is the rightful King of the English, but again they officially replied, in public and in writing, that their human monarch had been appointed by divine right.
On that forum, different tiers of British government were present, as well as people in contact with Whitehall, and they were fully aware of the written correspondence. They also publicly promised in writing to shut me out of society, literally stating ‘just as we did in World War II to fools like you’.
A Presumptuous Mistake
Angela not being British, their assumption she’d submit to them was a terrible miscalculation, she having spiritual contacts with One or Other Lady In High.
As Britain was a member of the European Union, I gathered they were operating together with the same kind of people who had gone to War against the Serbian Mother and Child, and, having confidence in numbers, felt very sure of themselves.
This forum, representing British government at various levels including local, was as official and interactive as it could get, so we’re not talking of a stone-tape type of haunting, but real demonic interactions where entities look at you, talk to you, respond to you. And it was all in real time, as it happened!
One Is No Justification for the Other
Later it dawned on me the British Establishment were aware I had been in Normandy and fought against them when they had tried entering Europe from the West, but even then I was surprised they chose to take their personal resentment to such levels.
With their string of declarations, the British officially stated the motivation as to why they were at war against me personally, but they also institutionally declared why they bitterly resented my sister. So we’re dealing with two opposite reasons.
Indeed while I could understand their opposition to me for daring to cross the Strait of Dover in a counter-offensive and trying to socialise on a public forum while getting involved in their society – even taking part in public representations on local issues, it was however beyond my comprehension why they declared War on Angela and the English Church: This, I exclaimed to my sister, is insane. They chose to exchange the Son of God for their human monarch!
On Henry Tudor and ‘Divine Right’
According to my sister, Henry VIII, who the British claim received divine right to become ‘the head of the church’, had stolen the gold and the silver from English churches along with the land and estates for the enrichment of himself and of those who supported him and wilfully destroyed many of the priories and other places of worship. He also used the looted ecclesiastic assets to fight wars of aggression.
Adding to this, some people were executed for refusing to take the oath of supremacy. In other words they were put to death for not believing that his new title of ‘head of the church’ was divine in provenance.
Angela Challenging the British in Public
In 2019, Angela taunted the British institutions by singing aloud in front of the police station in Dover that Jesus Son of God is the rightful King of the English Folk by divine right. A few days later, she quickly left for Mexico after Alexandra, listening in, warned her they were coming for her with a pair of handcuffs.
Angela had refused to sign a pack of Brexit papers that would have allowed her to ‘live in the UK’. Sister’s reply was that by signing them she’d have reneged the Son of God King of the English and submitted to the British human kingdom. But by calling out in public the people who swear allegiance to that monarchy, she openly challenged them.
When the British did arrive, they found her brother, and I laughed in their face when they furiously shouted that their queen had been insulted by my sister, who by now was gone. I replied: Good!
Western-Orientated Kremlin
Similar as is with the English Church that originated many centuries before the advent of Henry VIII – the one who falsely claimed to have ‘founded the church in England’, so too does the Rus Church originate many centuries before fourteen-year-old Peter proclaimed himself the tsar of Moscow and all the Rus, which was after a pope in Istanbul had cancelled the title of Kyiv and all the Rus.
Some years later, western-orientated Peter, while at the head of the Grand Embassy, was seen attending lavish banquets offered by western princes and monarchs and dealing in uncut precious stones, receiving a Britannia-style sailing yacht for free and establishing military alliances with these same western powers.
Changing the Constitution to Become Tsar
According to Angela, Henry VIII changed the English constitution in order to assert his claims, as also his contemporary Ivan the Terrible did when he changed the Russian constitution, and again later the boy Peter when, surrounded by his elders and barons, went a step further and obtained the title of ‘Moscow and all the Rus’ following a transaction that took place in Istanbul – possibly through pressure of the western powers of the day who saw in Peter an upcoming ruler eager to please them.
The young boy Peter, and Henry Tudor who preceded him by around 150 years, each changed their country’s constitution to the point of changing the identity of the original national Church in order to become its ‘supreme leader’.
The War Against Srpska Majka I Dete
Similarly, the European Union, which at that time included Britain, tried shutting down the Church of Srpska Majka and the Serbian Child, offering in return a state that previously didn’t exist along with honorary membership of the eurozone without the need to actually join the EU.
Valjevo, however, is in undisputed Serbian Land and is undisputedly a part of Serbia, and that’s where Angela went. Her brother, who went there with her, found it hard to understand how an aspiring state in Serbian Land which at that point still hadn’t come about, could claim territorial ownership even over Valjevo that is beyond its administrative boundaries.
The fact is, both the Italians and the British tried cancelling Valjevo from sestra’s vocabulary along with all she achieved there. My assumption was the people next door in the aspiring state must have claimed to have offered something they never had in the first place and which was not theirs to give away.
Serbs, English and Rus
And this brings us to the comparison between Serbs, English and Rus and the original source of spiritual baptism of their respective ecclesial foundations: selling a national Church in return for becoming somebody is not an option, and this is as much true for those who went to War against Serbia as it is for those who tried purchasing the Rus Church, as too it is for Henry Tudor and his followers who robbed and dilapidated English churches.
Regardless how many precious stones Henry Tudor gave to his followers in return for their support and how much stolen silver and stolen land, selling the national Church is simply not going to bode well in Angela’s Serbian matrix. In fact, it will be detected and exposed if she comes across such transactions while researching the origins of a national ecclesial assembly.
Here is today’s Party musical choir presentation.
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