When Angela Shed a Tear

Losing her isn’t a good idea, but once Angela’s gone, she’s gone.

Very Sorry, Brother!

It wasn’t long after the recent Party print When Angela Went to Greece, that I again spoke with hermana who was sitting in her Mexican garden surrounded by beautiful scenery. We use our video connection to communicate with each other and, looking her deeply in the eyes, I said: Schwester Hunnin, I invested a lot in Italy for you, and because of you I even learnt the Italian language almost as good as if it was a mother tongue, and now you’re telling me it’s all over!

Looking back at me, a saddened Angela had nothing much to say, she placed her hands together on the table and lowered her eyes as if in thoughtful contemplation for a moment, and then, looking up, she replied: Brother, he did so much for his sister, always very kind, now he sit there with Italian vocabulary falling out of mouth and no-one cares!*

A solitary tear rolled down her cheek, her mournful dark eyes giving off a shimmer in the Mexican twilight, and the conversation on that topic ended there. She simply switched back to Greece and refused to be drawn into any further discussion about Italy.

Here is today’s first Party musical offer.

On Disdaining Friendship

Srpska Majka had made an alliance with the German Lady in regards to Angela who had been to Valjevo, but somebody said they didn’t like what the Serbian spiritual Mother had to offer.

This came across as particularly offensive, as the Serbian Lady had wished to return Angela to her homeland full of compliments for her loyalty and skills, and She had been received in the German house with great respect.

The established parties in Berlin (die etablierten Regierungsparteien) didn’t have the authorization from the German Mother to treat Her spiritual Sister as inferior and unwanted, nor to throw Her out and choose somebody else, such as the British monarchy or the Italian founding fathers of Europe.

Angela, who at Easter had returned to Serbia from Greece in order to avoid the people peddling snake oil in their quest for a free ticket ‘into Europe’, said: They no like Serbian Mother? That too bad, no get anything else! (In fact, she had nothing else to offer.)

The Principles of the Faith

The Serbian spiritual Mother had taught my sister the tenets of the Greek Apostolic Faith, instructing her to never surrender the truth imparted to her on the Holy Trinity and the heavenly origins of the Holy Spirit, regardless who is trying to push an agenda of their own.

In our last Party page The Greek Faith Was Not for Sale, I stated: “some people operating at institutional level in the Swamp had claimed to have sold what they were in no position to sell: the Greek Faith, and to have shut down the Serbian Holy Mother and Child”.

According to Schwester Hunnin, if Germany showed no respect to Srpska Majka, then they’d show none to the Greek Mother either. Only, one doesn’t get to telling my sister that returning to Serbia at Easter all the way from Greece isn’t good enough. As said, having nothing else to offer Germany, die Hunnin left it at that.

As for me, I thought of the bright side to it all and started cherishing the thoughts of going back one day to Greece, a faithful Angela at my side telling people how she refused to renege on the Greek Mother.

So here’s our second Party presentation of the day.

*My sister had proclaimed Jesus as the High Priest of the English Church and as the rightful King of the English Folk, and the Italians could have been more respectful instead of trying to exchange the Italian spiritual Mother – who respected Angela’s work in England – for the British monarchy in return for thirty silvers. Exchanging the spiritual Mother is never a good idea, but, lo and behold, Italy did!


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