The Greek Faith Was Not for Sale
Some people operating at institutional level in the Swamp had claimed to have sold what they were in no position to sell: the Greek Faith, and to have shut down the Serbian Holy Mother and Child.
Greek Church
In fact, they hated the Serbs so much, that they even proclaimed themselves a different people: a fake people!
And so it was that in the days preceding our 22nd November 2023 publication When Angela Went to Greece, my sister, who was in Mexico and not in a British prison, told me she had made a phone call to the Greek Mother, for it was apparent the British had claimed to have purchased from the Quagmire the Greek Faith that was at the origins of Angela’s Serbian research from Valjevo. On that day she finished with Italy and crossed a spiritual bridge to Greece, although still remaining in Mexico.
She declared that Judas Iscariot in Italy – the one who sold the Italian Church into British Abortion – and the British ‘high priests’ trying to take over other peoples’ national Churches, will never cancel her history and the way in which she returned to Serbia at Easter by avoiding the Sinking Sands.
Here is today’s first Party musical presentation.
Breaking the House Rules
Angela had received instructions from the Serbian Mother on the fundamental laws of the Orthodox Faith, whereby the Holy Spirit can only come from the Heavenly Realm by way of the Holy Trinity: the paternal, known as the First Person, the Maternal, known as the Third Person, and the Son and High Priest, known as the Second Person.
When, shortly after our last return from Serbia, the spiritual Mother of the Serbs made an alliance with the German Mother on account of Angela, the Italian and British institutions went running to the German government and claimed to have cancelled this and replaced it with a superiority-inferiority alliance between the British human monarchy (superior) and the Germans (inferior and seated on the ground in shame) – the Italian ‘founding fathers of Europe’ looking in and grinning.
As Angela’s Serbian matrix from Valjevo goes back to the Greek Church, ultimately it meant the Italian and British institutions were claiming to have purchased and possessed the Greek Faith.
In England
On carrying out her studies in England on the English Church and later the Scottish, my sister applied her Serbian key from Valjevo – she certainly didn’t apply the deceit and betrayal methods from the Swamp.
Being completely funded by her brother, contrary to what the British police claimed she never received weekly cheques from Buckingham palace. The only conclusion I can come to is that if the British queen really was sending money for Angela as the police insisted in 2018, then somebody sitting in the local branch of government – let’s say at district council level and with the duty to pass the funds on – was pocketing them instead.
Another Winston Churchill and Another Spree of Denazification
When Boris Johnson entered 10 Downing Street, it was on the ticket of being the second coming of Winston Churchill, and consequently he bragged and boasted about waltzing through Europe on a denazification programme.
Proclaiming VE day (victory over Europe) as the most important commemoration, his agenda represented everything I had fought against in Normandy in 1944. Back then we had been perched on top of the dunes facing the sea, and now it was my duty to make sure the British failed once and for all.
It’s open to the imagination what could happen if Boris really believed that his political party had shut down and overthrown the Serbian Mother and Child and possessed the Greek Faith – and got the German government to continue believing this.
A Phone Conversation with Freundin
The other day I spoke by phone with MΓ€del and explained to her that the official Italian reply to Angela’s offer was so outrageous and humiliating, that she pulled the plug on Italy and crossed the spiritual bridge to Greece where she had once prospered in the name of Resurrection.
Both she and I had been prepared to forget all the evil the Italian institutions had done and to start a clean page, but they went out of their way and forced onto us a diabolic response, reason for which all the bad memories came back to us both and we now only remember the Italians for all the ills they inflicted on us: in Italy, in Serbia, in Greece …
The Italians were really convinced to have got rid of the Serbian Mother and Child and to have handed over to the British possession of the Apostolic Faith, and this they could only have done by paying and funding a band of liars sitting in the Quicksand who betrayed the Serbs, I explained.
Brother Hun’s Word
Then I made this declaration to MΓ€del: I promise you in the name of the Kyivan Rus, that no matter how much the German government really believes Boris Johnson entered into possession of the Greek Faith by way of the swamp-traitors and the Italian serpents who worked with them, Angela is never going to surrender.
She’s never going to leave her safe haven in Mexico till the horrific error has been purged from the German State institutions whereby the British overthrew the Serbian Mother and, replacing Her, imposed themselves on the German Nation with Boris Johnson swaggering around claiming to have powers to denazify Europe.
I concluded my promise by making clear: the Germans cannot pick and choose who made a spiritual alliance with them, and if they don’t want the Serbian Mother’s friendship on account of Angela, then they will guaranteed receive church-Abortion just as the Italians did!
Here is today’s second Party presentation.
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