The Even Longer Telegram

Following our last return from Serbia to Italy, Angela’s entire strategy has been based on the concept that she worked for the Serbian Mother in Valjevo and received from Her the spiritual church calendar.

The Enemy

The leaders of the European Union, or as they style themselves ‘founding fathers of Europe’, identified the Serbs as the enemy, NATO identified the Serbs as the enemy, and both these organizations, which always proceeded arm in arm, had embarked on expansion into eastern Europe, planning to reach all the way to the Caucasus. Consequently they identified Angela as the enemy because she travelled to Valjevo in Serbia and did her research there.

Then there was an issue concerning Angela’s Faith: she always proclaimed that there is only One Holy Father, the real One, but some secretive group was pushing an agenda of human holy fathers and despised my sister on account of her attachment to the Serbian spiritual Mother who only recognised one Holy Father.

The holy spirit comes from human beings, they said, it comes from us, and no spiritual Mother is ever going to change this!

The British Alternative Cult

This agenda was being pushed in many countries, and it was only equalled by another form of religious veneration when the British establishment came on with its own version: Our queen is appointed from God by divine right, and unless you respect this and conform to it, you are a nobody!

Angela as we know flatly refused to become ‘British’ and never bowed down to their demands, meaning she never acquired a British passport and therefore never ‘naturalised’. This meant she never swore an oath of allegiance to the British-Irish queen (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland).

When Brexit came, she was given a stark choice to either convert and become British, as well as to ‘learn English’, or be arrested for being here illegally, and she chose neither, preferring to flee instead, so she neither ‘became British’ nor got arrested. Angela fled to Mexico after receiving financial help from Alexandra (who never told the British taxman where her money came from or ever declared it and therefore never paid a dime in tax).

I’m Sorry!

Whereas my sister was able to flee owing to her own documents, I had to stay, chose to become a nobody and died in prison. Having then made my will and left all my British savings – five pounds – to the British, not long thereafter the Rainbow of Prosperity came, which I promptly transferred as described in previous pages.

I’m sorry, I exclaimed, but Prosperity failed in the West and so I’m sending it East instead!

Mädel’s reaction to this has been elaborated upon at length: with Angela being in Mexico, she had thought the time had come for a new era and a special trade relationship between the Mexicans and England. Her blue eyes staring at me, my sole concern was to convince Freundin that sometimes one has to make a sacrifice in order to succeed. Your best interests were at heart when I closed the door on you and walked away that day!, I said.

Time Had Moved on

As she looked back at me from across the table, I gently placed my hand upon hers and, holding her gaze, patiently explained that the time had come in 2017 when the offer she had made was turned down, that now it was 2021, four years had passed and I had become four years older.

Beloved Mädel, I said to her with a soft voice, with age comes wisdom, and for four years I’ve been thinking about your future, your success and your happiness, and what I couldn’t give you then, I promise you it will become yours in Germany, and even in Italy, the success you were hoping for and which they denied you here!

Mädel believed me, she remembered how they had declared me as defunct, had written me off and left me to rot during the pandemic, how Alexandra had tended to me when I had that ‘strange flu’ in October 2019 and how, later, following the Wuhan crisis and the virus-phobia that followed, everyone got money for doing nothing and I got just nothing!

A Sad Expression Preceded a Smile

With a smile on my face I then added But I became immune to the flu in 2019 before the Chinese knew what was hitting them, the virus came from Italy and I told the NHS where they can put their vax! In fact none of us got vaccinated and once I even sneezed in the street causing people to look away in horror. I couldn’t help it, and besides, everyone was wearing a mask.

Freundin smiled after I had cheered up the atmosphere talking about everything that had gone wrong for us both, although I didn’t say to her face that in Aachen, long before 2017 came round, I had secretly made up my mind to just hope she fails in England in order for plan B to be enacted – which was Prosperity going East – see our Prosperity over Belgium pages.

That said, she did more or less suspect something and basically knew what was in my heart, but as love is stronger, she accepted that it was the British who rejected her, not her Hun who instead loved her.

Ultimately, after the many words I offered as a cover-up for my original plan made in Aachen, she accepted my one watertight card, the one that comes from the heart: It was out of love … for you!

The Return to Germany

Angela and her brother needed to get back to Germany, we both knew that Alexandra and Mädel would need to move there too, and our entire strategy in England hinged on preventing Halloween Man locking us both up and eventually deporting us to a secret cell in Italy once he had obtained everything he wanted.

Leaving two empty spaces in the union flag was part of this strategy, another part was waiting till one day Italy has a new government that was not part of the original secret deal to betray the Italian Mother.

With the help of the Italian spiritual Mother, the rogue secret agency that was (and still is) working under previous governments and for the EU and NATO, would be exposed, and eventually, once Angela has completed her work in Italy, we would return to Germany – see the Chivasso alliance pages.

In fact, it was not Britannia, but the Serbian Lady who promised Angela would return to Germany. The German Mother, knowing this, and following the adjudication of the Rhine Scroll not to England but to Germany in the autumn of 2021 (see our Mexico pages), first returned Moloch to the British and later rejected the cuckoo egg the British had attempted placing in the German nest, as described in our recent cuckoo article entitled Das eigene Kind der Deutschen Mutter.

Government Bond

For all that he – in his plurality – spoke fluent English and claimed to know perfect Italian and German, and regardless of his frequent trips between London and Germany and back, the German Mother had no agreement with the British. Instead she had one directly with the Serbian Holy Mother and later established the Chivasso Alliance with the Italiana.

Once the Italian State has accepted this and has ceased all rogue agreements of past governments with the man who only ever operated a hoax and made false promises he could never keep, the sooner I can leave the transit room next door to England. There were two cathedrals, each with its dome, so if I’m not going to Switzerland via Germany, then that left only Italy. Germany will be for a later period, north-east from Chivasso, direction Tirol.

This article, like so many others before it, should put paid to Government Bond’s attempts at making parallel deals that don’t come from High.

Here is today’s Party music offer.

In our next Party page, I’ll delve a little more into Angela’s Rus projects, even though she never said much about them other than the original church we came across is in Liguria, Italy, and not in England.


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