Common Ecclesial Interests of Italians and Rus

Different people should find a common interest in the Hun walking out of England and landing in Calais.

Covering Letter to Corso Imperatrice

Shortly after Angela went to the Russian Church in Corso Imperatrice, as her brother who accompanied her I sent a covering letter there recommending my sister and outlining her spiritual devotion to the Serbian Mother in Valjevo and how she returned there at Easter.

While I’m not aware that a reply ever came, as written here previously Angela did however commence her studies into the foundation of the Church according to Scripture, doing so in Italian. In our last page Spiritual Foundations of Italian and Rus Churches, I’ve noted that the Russian Lady has equal spiritual and intellectual authority over that work as the Italian Lady, for both came to me in communion and Angela would speak a lot about her spiritual contact with One and the Other.

Italy Making a Choice

Once the Italian State has come to terms with the betrayal operated by their rogue agency in return for thirty pounds sterling and with the fact that Rome slept through the time of its visitation, then they should also return to me in Italy – after inviting me back in again – the two sets of Angela’s written pages they detracted and hid away and on which her future work hinges – otherwise she won’t return!

It’s in the interests as much of the Rus as of the Italians that this happens, for we are looking at – as far as I can understand – two national church foundations that need to be researched, each being based upon the original universal foundation that has already been presented but is hidden away in Italy.


Adding to this is also the Sicilian ecclesiastic foundation that appears to be distinct from the Italian – if I understood rightly what the Sicilian Lady said when I was present in the communion and what she gave to me soon thereafter. In fact She praised me and clearly requires that I do not give up and renounce but continue exposing the betrayal. Indeed the communion with La Siciliana was set in the place where betrayal was knowingly and deliberately committed against the Serbian Mother, this place having been referred to as the Swamp, and it had to do with a very angry entity that had tried selling out – or rather, did sell out.

Remembering the Chivasso Axis

It’s already been written here that the alliance of the Chivasso Axis between the Italiana and the German Lady assures Angela’s future return to Germany from Italy on the grounds that the cuckoo, who attempted entering Germany through Aachen but failed, cannot cross the Alps from the West – see our Battle of Chivasso pages.

Chivasso and Aachen are two pages that will go down in history commemorating the Axis victories against the British Empire.

So there we have it: Angela left two empty spaces in her union flag and refuses to be imprisoned, bugged and robbed by the British establishment for her work to be then hidden away by Halloween Man who ‘does his investigations’ and makes sure Angela cannot do hers. If she got funded to do her research, his ‘investigations’ would no longer be required and his income would end – along with the farce he’s been pushing.

Deus Vult!

Trick or Treat

Basically we’re just waiting now for Halloween Man’s reign of terror to end, this resulting in the Hun walking out of the transit room next door to England heading east to Calais with a signed contract, a valid travel document and a sum of money to cover initial expenses. Once this is sorted, we can turn a page on the nightmare and Angela will return.

The Holy Spirit she works with does not come in the name of Halloween Man and his human monarchy but owing to Resurrection, and Herod Antichrist’s man could not succeed in bugging the Throne of God. This means Bletchley Park failed along with its spying operations and Whitehall’s hoaxes. The British played their last card with a five pound note, the one which I left them in my posthumous will, and that card was guaranteed to fail!

Here is today’s Party tune presented by brother Hun.


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