Angela and the Rus

In today’s edition, as forecast in our last page, some light will be shed on my sister’s visit to the Russian Church in Liguria when we were living in Italy.

A Spiritual Affair

At the time, which was not long after our last return from Serbia, the only certainty available to me was that Angela would build upon the base she had established in Serbian land, specifically in Valjevo, after returning to Serbia at Easter in the way described.

The Serbian Mother, after our last presence in Serbia, had assured me in communion in Italy that all and everything concerning my sister depended on having returned to Serbia at Easter using the spiritual calendar She had given her and on Angela’s matrix on the origins of the Serbian Church in the name of Resurrection.

This is why I left it to Angela to make her next decision, and eventually she planned the walk along Corso Imperatrice and her visit to the Russian Church, and shortly thereafter started her research into universal church foundations as per Scripture – in Italian.

From Spiritual Foundation to National Cornerstone

From this point on, she was looking at a work contract to study the origins of the Italian Church based upon the scriptural foundations she had presented – which had been funded by her brother, and I assumed that within time she would also be looking into the origins of the Rus Church – a name I have recently decided to use following her wording in an already-mentioned video discussion (her English is different to normal convention).

It had been clear to me then in Italy that my sister’s discovery proved that many national churches are based upon a common spiritual foundation as described in the Scriptures. Recently it became clear to me that her intended work on the Rus would be of interest as much to the Russians as to the Ukrainians and the Belarusians (written with one S in the singular), and it occurred to me that Angela, in her choice of wording during our video discussion, was being diplomatic so as not to impose one group of Rus over another, considering them instead of equal status.

Very Careful

My sister has been very careful not to take sides in the war that is being waged in Ukraine, it wouldn’t be characteristic of her to pit one group of people against another. However, what I also know is that, back then in Italy, I had received various communion events in which there were different groups of what then I described as Russians, although at this point it would be better to adhere to Angela’s wording and describe them as Rus people – in English.

At the time of our discussion, she bade me not to give information that could help Halloween Man in his investigations, so I abided to this and waited till the 6th May 2023 came and went, knowing that his investigations at this point lead to nowhere (see also our recent Australia page and Mädel’s info that preceded it).


Angela shouldn’t be compared to her brother, who is not a nice person. And yet, I understood from the start that she depended on my guardianship to assure her future success in a brutal world and later to fund her journeys and walk with her when she was too young to travel alone, to assure she received decent education in a private school and to respect her wishes – she being by far superior to the wreck called upon to look after her.

Here is today’s Party music offered by brother Hun.

How the British Fooled Us!

When the British landed in Normandy, they deceived us by choosing the weak area of Teutonic defences along the Atlantic Wall, in fact the most unlikely place to land. We later discovered – many years later – that Bletchley Park had been assuring our HQ that the real deal was to be three hundred miles further north where our best and most equipped divisions were stationed along with almost all the big guns, these being capable of standing their ground even against the most modern dreadnoughts of the Royal Navy.

We had been given to understand by our generals that wrecked boats and upturned landing craft drifting south while being carried by the currents would wash up on our stretches of beach along with soldiers and sailors clinging to them. Cheerfully they told us we’d only need to accept their surrender, offer them a decent meal of Wehrmachtkekse and Ersatzkaffee made from acorns, exchange our cigarettes for theirs and also exchange addresses for future penfriend salutations, and then send them on to Germany where they would sit out the remaining duration of the war unwrapping Red Cross parcels.

Vacation Gone Wrong

So when the largest fleet to ever set sail appeared in front of us and was heading our way, being six in the morning we found our commanders were either still fast asleep or were just staggering out of a bistro after a night out and still holding onto a bottle of red wine.

Our vacation was over, and as if that wasn’t enough, it would be a full two months before our companions further north actually left the Pas de Calais and came to join us. By now we were fully-trained war veterans and all they had to offer as an explanation was Winston Churchill promised us he’d be showing up at Calais!

Some months later, as we stood on the Rhine, the British from the other side taunted us with Ha ha, we fooled you!

Listening in

My sister Angela didn’t take part in that war, she came along much later and would sit in her armchair sipping lemonade and listening in when my friends came round and we talked of the old times, of what went wrong, and how Winston Churchill managed to pull his ruse. We also talked of our defence line placed along the Rhine and how we retorted to the sneering British facing us from across the river that one day we’d be marching back through the Ardennes and landing in England …

Back to the Rus

Knowing about strategy and learning from our mistakes, one day young Angela, when we were living in Italy, devised a stratagem of her own: she was to explain this to me later, after our visit to Corso Imperatrice. I was impressed and still unable to grasp how she had managed that feat, and she explained Everyone try march on Russia go east, Russians wait for big army come by looking west, but globe round and sister and brother go west, reach Russia church and they not see coming!

Then I understood her point: the Russians were still looking west when we arrived from the east, we took their church by surprise and when they looked around, Angela, loved In High, said checkmate!


This is the same Angela who had negotiated her way around the Swamp by proceeding east from the coast opposite Corfu all the way to Thessaloniki and then west from Sofia towards Niš, arriving at the Serbian border at midnight, Easter Sunday, only for the clock to turn back, thus allowing us to enter Serbia at Easter at the eleventh hour.

My sister is a better person than her brother, and she never abandoned the Serbian Mother and Child. The British tried exterminating from her vocabulary the notion that she ever went there, studied there and then wrote her Serbian script. But for Angela, the Serbian Lady would have lost and those who betrayed Her would be walking away counting five euro notes and singing hosanna to NATO and the EU.

However, die Hunnin has assured me that were she ever to dedicate her attention to the Rus and their Church, it would only ever be as a logical and spiritual consequence of her previous dedication to the Serbian Mother and to her having returned to Serbia at Easter and continued on to Valjevo in the name of Resurrection, her brother at her side. My role in all this was only to accompany and help her, but she is the guide and the mind behind the strategy.


The British tried imprisoning my sister, she escaped and they got me instead. They also declared me dead, and brother Hun does not forget or forgive what they did and the words they said against Angela.

In a very recent post titled The Rus-Italian Affair, I wrote: “an Italian-Rus ecclesial alliance does exist by way of Corso Imperatrice in Liguria, Italy”.

Should one day the Italian State change their mind and come to grips with the fact that, back then in Italy, Rome slept through the time of its visitation when Angela presented her written pages on the universal foundations of the Church and wanted a work contract to research the cornerstone of the Italian Church, then there would not be a reason why she shouldn’t also dedicate her attention to the Rus. But she will never do this from a prison, and so long as I am sitting in one, she won’t be coming back at all!


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