Ukraine in the Rus Family

Ukraine being a sovereign nation of the spiritual Mother of All Rus, it’s for Belarus and Russia to stand with their brethren kin as sovereign neighbours.

By the Orchards

Not long ago at The Party Angela’s brother declared that learning Ukrainian may take years, the chosen place being in a garden next to a thatched-roof cottage in the vicinity of the orchards in Ukraine.

None of this plan of-course has changed, just as the promise that the topics of Angela’s future studies for the Rus Church remain secret in the most absolute of terms. Consequently it will be impossible for anyone beforehand to even vaguely decipher the framework of such research, let alone the content. That must have come across as bad news for Bletchley Park. Good!

Here is today’s first Party song presentation.

Assured Success

And yet, as explained in the last publication Placing Ukraine First and Foremost, the texts presented in the current year of 2024 here on Party space in relation to the ecclesial Kyivan body are sufficient for its success, albeit at this point in time partial (as explained).

The details have been given various times as is custom and needn’t be repeated here. It’s up to Ukraine to decide when, along with a working contract, and the earlier this is, the sooner I can learn the Ukrainian language and Angela can migrate from Mexico to the Land of the Cossacks.

A Lit Candle for Ukraine

All work on matters ecclesial in the transit room next door to England has been completed and this was solely on account of the Kyivan Child.

All that needs be reiterated is that one day Angela’s already-accomplished presentation of the English Church should be promoted at State level at the same time as her future work on the Kyivan is ready for promotion – when that day should come following plenty of research in Ukrainian Land.

Having remained faithful to the spiritual Mother of All Rus, brother Hun has not forsaken the Ukrainian Child and has given no-one a chance to sacrifice him and never will. This time Stalin and Churchill will not prevail!

Not Apostolic

Based on what has been written in recent 2024 pages, readers may have meanwhile understood that arguing with the British establishment about the true origins of the English ecclesia was the equivalent of what would have been an attempt at disputing with the ‘holy synod’ at some time up until 1917 about the true origins of the Rus Church.

As the British authorities did in England, the Tsar would no doubt have opposed anyone giving an alternative version to his professed position as ‘head of the church’, in particular if they had pointed out that Peter I invented his own authority out of thin air just as Henry VIII had done in England, and that neither one nor the other title had any apostolic value.

An Unholy End

Recently we have seen that the ‘holy synod’ met its unceremonious end in July 1918. By this time it had been replaced in the Kremlin by atheist Bolshevism, which then evolved into Stalinism. Taking into account that a catastrophic war caused the Muscovite Synod’s downfall, it’s safe to state that a disastrous misconception led to the Tsar’s decision to enter this war in the first place: the misplaced notion that he was the patron and defender of all Orthodox nations. Fact is, he wasn’t!

That fatal misunderstanding came from the Third Rome doctrine which harks back to Constantinople and to the Vatican and erroneously presents Moscow as the centre of the new world order by way of succession.

Here on this public platform Angela’s version has been made manifest whereby the original Kyivan Церква sprang into being owing to the apostolic mission initiated in the first-century Hellenic Church. This apostolic succession is spiritual and its celestial origins do not stem from the Vatican in Rome or from Constantinople on the Bosphorus.

A Church That Was Conceived Forever

My sister, in whose name the future presentation of the Rus Church will be published – as too will be with the English, says that the Kyivan ecclesial body never died. Contrary to this, as noted, the ‘holy synod’ met its tragic end in 1918 at the hands of the Bolsheviks whereas the Muscovite Patriarchate encountered its final days in 1721 by way of a tsarist purge.

As for her brother, as he doesn’t intend placing his name under her work, he chose not to be perturbed by the powers-that-be who bitterly resent his obscure past.

A Question of Perception

Depending from which direction one is coming, on that fateful day in Normandy the British fought on the right side and so we fought on the left. Yet if you are heading due north as the crow flies, we were on the right side facing the sea.

History tells us that the British entered Europe, marched through and reached the Rhine, and then, decades later, plagued by the EU and its madness, couldn’t get out of Europe quick enough. So there you have it! History proves I was on the right side.

Interpreting Democracy

For those who believe in democracy, the ancient Athenians who invented it had a law whereby the majority of citizens possessing the right to vote could decide when to initiate a war after debating and assessing the position of the contending power, and could also decide when to sue for peace to end the war.

There is no democratic mandate in England or in Germany to go fight against the strongest military power in the world, namely the Russian. And were either of these countries dragged into such a conflict, there would be no democratic mechanism in place for the citizens to vote with the aim of pulling out.

There is no democratic basis in the West to fight a war in a land that is not their own, not if it means marching off to fight against Russia. And the means to democratically end hostilities not being available either, the assumption is, once the losses started mounting there would be a popular uproar in western countries with unforeseen consequences.

To Die, or Not to Die

Those who preached joining NATO in eastern Europe did not take into account democracy, because the very foundation on which their argument was constructed is void of public validation in the West.

Brother Hun says: Show me a public referendum where the majority in a western country says: ‘We agree to go to war against Russia for a distant land!’.

A more likely scenario is the majority of people in the West, as much in England as in Germany, saying to a further-away country: Sorry, we never gave our democratic consent to fight for you.

Respecting Ukraine’s Sovereignty

In the last publication to which is linked above, my opening phrase was: Going to War against Mother Rus is not a good idea. The obligation is upon Belarus and Russia to stand by Ukraine whose people are a member of the Rus family, and on Russia to reinstate Ukraine’s sovereign boundaries as they were recognised in the Russian constitution of the 1990s.

There never was an intention on the part of NATO to fight for Ukraine, and there is no civic mandate at all in western countries to march east and fight against Russia.

On this note the page ends with today’s second musical Party offer.


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