The NATO Wild Goose Chase

Having received duty of care towards the Ukrainian Child at some point in 2024, brother Hun is using The Party, a public platform, to make the Child’s case.

Russia of Economical Strategic Importance to NATO and the EU

The same Boris Johnson who in 2021 was behind the Black Sea incident and promised the Ukrainians that Crimea and the Donbas should remain Ukrainian sovereign territory, some years later turned around and said these lands should be ceded to the Kremlin.

So now we have to see whether the Muscovy, following a sacrifice of Ukraine, will ‘save the EU’ whose member states are almost all NATO members too. This could only be achieved through carbon deals that work both ways: one side provides maintenance to the oil and gas infrastructure in Russia as well as expanding the production base, and the other supplies the oil and gas. And what do we have? NATO and the Kremlin working together – or saving each other!

Please Let the Tsar Back Into the G8!’

Of-course many Russians will then be asking the question why Ukraine was presented as the enemy to be sacrificed if in reality it was all about saving bankrupt western economies in return for Muscovite expansion. And that won’t look good for the Muscovy, will it!

Yes one can ask why Boris Johnson quickly departed from 10 Downing Street and fled Westminster half way through his term, deciding instead to spend time in Palm Beach, Florida, while Britain did absolutely nothing to increase its military capacity as if Westminster knew there would be no war with Russia. It looks as if something had gone awfully wrong for Boris Johnson when he was, in inverted commas, “the prime minister of the uk”. Perhaps it was Ukraine’s refusal to surrender.

What we do know is that in 2024, he was pleading for the return of the Russian tsar to the G8 after Ukraine will have ceded territory to Russia, but not before launching all-out offensives reaching deep into southern and eastern Ukraine which, if they occurred, would see its army being largely wiped out.

Your NATO Life Insurance Will Save You – When You’re Dead!

Considering that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization had no plans to fight a war for Ukraine, does it make sense that in the months leading up to February 2022, some western governments were insisting that Ukraine should join NATO knowing full well that Russia would launch an invasion against Ukraine to prevent the country doing precisely that? No, it doesn’t!

Does it make sense that Boris Johnson in 2024 suggested the Ukrainians should go it alone in yet more military campaigns against Russian defences in Ukraine that cannot be penetrated save for horrific losses, while the North Atlantic Treaty Organization looks on and does nothing … just waiting for the exhausted Ukrainian army to encounter the same fate as happened in the early 1920s. The answer is no.

It would only be a viable strategy for someone wanting the Red Army to wipe Ukraine out while singing the ‘you can join the EU – you can join NATO’ song.

Yeah, when you’re dead and gone and the Kremlin has taken over in Kyiv, then you can “join NATO and the EU” – for that’s what his plan actually means.

City Banking and East India Oil Companies

NATO/EU was never at war against the Kremlin nor could the two sides have planned to be at war with each other. The economies on one side and on the other are not competitive, but complementary.

On the other hand, Ukraine was never wanted in the EU as a sovereign and united country. Its economy not having carbon fuels to offer, all it had was a sheer abundance of all that which the EU already drowns in: grain, fruit, berries, meat, dairy products … better-tasting and cheaper, superior in quality, and all this without even receiving EU net-contribution funding!

Ukraine’s membership of the European Union was exactly that which at least half of European countries didn’t want: a well-working, efficient and free-market economy that would have sent straight into redundancy the subsidies-dependent farmers further west in many an EU country.

Constantly Changing the Constitution

In the original Russian constitution of the 1990s, the same person could not be president for more than a certain number of terms. Then an aspiring tsar, after becoming president, changed all this, and during the extra-added terms in office that previously were forbidden, he also changed the constitution that recognises Ukraine’s borders. Randomly changing the constitution to alter the borders became a precedent with perpetuating effect. It’s been progressively applied and is clearly part of an expansionist programme.

Meanwhile, with absolutely no popular consent in central Europe, in western Europe or in England for a war in Ukraine against Russia, some western governments who don’t know what democracy really means have been merrily telling Ukraine to join NATO.

You See Me, You See Me Not

When the Ukrainians most needed them, NATO never showed up, and in the West there were no demonstrations or petitions on the part of the public to demand their country should militarily take part in defending Ukraine.

There was never any intention to be embroiled in a war against Russia for the sake of Kyivan Rus nor would there have been a public desire or even acceptance to go and sacrifice their own in a distant land against the mightiest army in the world.

This translates into one certainty: NATO was never going to protect Ukraine against Russia and there never was a democratic mandate to do so such as by way of public consultation, a petition or a referendum.

As Said: ‘You Have to First Die in Battle to Join NATO!’

Three years following the Black Sea event and almost two and a half years after the February 2022 full-scale invasion, all that Ukraine was offered by Boris Johnson in July 2024 was a wild goose chase to join NATO (and the EU) that he said should be concluded with the storming of Russian front lines all the way to regions located north of Crimea, east of Mariupol and just outside of Luhansk – exactly where the front lines were in June 2021 at the time of his Black Sea excursion.

Crucially for the Kremlin and the City magnates, the plan went on to mention another Yalta agreement assuring the cession of territories from the vanquished to the victors and the tsar’s return to the G8.

And, fooled by NATO/the EU, the Ukrainian army would go the way it went in the early 1920s.

Here is today’s Party musical presentation.


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