A Ukrainian Scholarship
Preparing to move to Ukraine requires taking steps to learn the language.
Across the Road From England
While waiting in the transit room next door to England, Brother Hun has found more time to dedicate to learning Ukrainian. Listening to music and translating the verses has been very helpful in the quest, and I’m following online lessons as well as doing translations in real time in both written and spoken form.
If one day I move to Ukraine, Angela will eventually turn up too, and there will be plenty to learn about the events that surround the history of the Church of Kyiv and All the Rus, which is the only title Angela considers valid for the One Ecclesiastic Assembly of Ukrainians, Belarusians and Russians. As we can see, we’re talking of moving to Ukraine in order to learn and study. Therefore, Angela’s brother, who’s been given the task of discovering the history of the Church among the Rus as well as its connections with foreign entities that later tried distorting its origins, would need to receive a Ukrainian scholarship to continue the studies.
Place of Learning
Having remodelled the transit room into a learning centre, I managed to reach some salient points culminating in the Grand Embassy and the Kremlin’s propulsion to a western-patronised powerhouse. William of Orange, who undoubtedly had immense influence over the banking elites tied in with the Dutch East India Company must have been instrumental in enabling Peter, and the Muscovite barons who were his elders, to cancel the name of Kyiv from the title All Rus.
Later, uncontested on the international chessboard owing to his western connections, Peter would go on to be de facto the head of the Muscovy Patriarchate – which he then abolished and replaced with the ‘Holy Synod’ headed by none-other than the human tsar himself seated in the Kremlin.
A Mighty Patron of the Traders and Bankers
William of Orange was also the king of England, of Scotland and of Ireland (Wales was not considered a kingdom), and so he required that Peter, after labouring as a novice in the Dutch shipyards, should do the same in England, this making him the vassal of what later was to become the British East India Tea Company.
In return for his loyalty and service, Peter received recognition from the greatest banking elites as undisputed tsar over territories and over church in the lands of the Rus, the pope in Istanbul having carried out his deed of ‘paternal and spiritual cancellation’ of the Kyiv title. A very nasty situation indeed!
Will History Echo?
The logical outcome of known historical events, once these are exposed to the light of day, requires that Belarus and Russia stand together with Ukraine on the same side in order not to become once again beholden to western banking elites who are only waiting to cut a deal with the Kremlin in return for the unlimited and cheap supply of Russian oil and gas. Such an agreement is predicated upon the understanding that Ukraine will be sacrificed, its territories partly or entirely ceded to Russia, and that any part remaining ‘sovereign’ must join the European Union and NATO.
Once this has been achieved, while pretending to be in a Cold War with Russia, western banking magnates and managers of big share companies will have a fantastic time sitting in six star restaurants that even Michelin does not promote signing big contracts with tycoons, selling houses and other assets to them in London worth tens of millions (or hundreds of millions) of pounds each, and receiving a Russian tsar as a guest of honour in the G8.
Betrayal of the Worst Sort
If this is what Belarus and Russia want, then they will have betrayed the One spiritual Mother of all the Rus nations and Her one and only Church. That would mean going the way those went who sold out to their western godfathers of the European Union out of betrayal against the Serbian Mother and Child of Valjevo.
Yes it would mean repeating the betrayal operated by a pope in Istanbul hundreds of years ago, possibly under pressure from the Sultan who three years earlier had lost a large part of his army at the failed siege of Vienna and was now eager to make amends with the western powers. Could William of Orange have contacted the Sublime Porte during these hard times the Sultan was going through and on behalf of the Kremlin asked him for a favour? Considering the reach of his financial power and his influence, it’s possible, in particular considering how Peter, Tsar of Moscovia, later prostrated himself in William’s shipyards.
Partial Presentation Is Not Enough
The information presented at The Party, although partial, is sufficient to understand that foreign cities from Constantinople all the way to the western reaches of the great trading companies of the 1600s have created a schism among the eastern Slavic peoples whereby William of Orange of the City bankers became the patron of the Kremlin in return for a human-holy-father attempt at sacrificing the Kyivan ecclesiastic title and replacing it with Moscow.
In the last Party post В саду ягоди рвала it’s stated: “there is no way I can continue unless there is a binding work contract, a house to live in with a garden, and the relevant funds needed.” My aim is to continue in Ukraine with the research that has been assigned to me by Angela so that she can then proceed with her next set of studies, the outline of which must and shall remain unknown to the British beforehand so they cannot offer one of their government bonds promising something of which they have null knowledge what it’s even about. Suffice it to say it’s very relevant to the Rus Church.
But before this can happen, her brother has to continue his own presentation of foreign interference in matters relating to the Kyivan Assembly that was founded in the Spirit over one thousand years ago. Work only partially done will not hold ground, the case has been explained, and so, while waiting to establish contact with Ukraine, I’ll continue dedicating my time to expanding my vocabulary in the Ukrainian language. This may take years, and so I might not be around as much as I would have and Party pages may become few and far apart.
Here is tonight’s musical offer.
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