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Near the orchards under a blue sky, a cottage standing next to a green garden where flowers along with berries grow and trees offer their gentle shade.
A Binding Contract
Having looked more into the history of the Church among the Rus, I came to the conclusion that the work which needs doing is very complex and requires plenty of time. A proper research leads to the history of Rome and of Constantinople also having to become the object of investigation along with popish claims of spiritual and paternal supremacy*, something I’ve made clear here at The Party before.
Angela, with whom I spoke about this, informs me there is no way I can continue unless there is a binding work contract, a house to live in with a garden, and the relevant funds needed. We’re dealing with weeks and weeks of work that lead to yet more weeks of research, and then more.
The weeks go into months, and the months into years.
*Angela’s original research in Italian that exposed the line of popes as not being at all the successors of Saint Pater was knowingly and deliberately buried under a tombstone by the Italian State serving the EU Empire. They also aborted her request to study and present the Italian Church as of its origins.
Family of Rus Nations
Not having a contract, the funds, the accommodation or sufficient access to the sources of information that are all necessary to continue with the presentation of the Church of the One Spiritual Mother of the Ukrainians, Russians and Belarusians, and having already presented enough information to prove some valid points, I’m unable to give any more at this point in time.
My assumption is that the overriding aim of the Rus nations is not to bring each other down but to choose the One Mother of the family of whom they are part. This is what She requires in order to stand side by side with the Spiritual Mother of the Serbian Nation who the EU ‘founding fathers’ of Europe claimed to have knocked out – when in fact those who sold out could not offer anything to anyone. All they got was a ‘state’ to nowhere built upon a lie and fathered by their western godfathers who ‘founded Europe’. They had given their word and made believe something they later reneged on, their real promise having been to another.
From One Betrayal to Another
Those who they sold out to in turn sold the Italian Church into Abortion for thirty silver pieces (pounds sterling) – the events being described on Party space and inscribed in history, yet when Angela’s work on the Assembly going by the title of Kyiv and All Rus will be ready, the intention is to present along with it her accomplished research into the English Church.
The same Serbian blueprint of Valjevo is common for both the Rus and the English, and this is why brother Hun cannot preach war and detrimental opposition between Ukrainians, Russians and Belarusians, this not being his given task.
He says that Russia and Belarus should stand by Ukraine and give a resounding NO! to Boris Johnson who tried sacrificing the English Church as much as he tries it on that of All the Rus.
A Ukrainian Rump State to Serve NATO?
The British chicken who claimed to be the second coming of Winston Churchill and then ran away from 10 Downing Street half way through his term says that the only person who can ‘save’ Ukraine is the one he’s trying to place in the Whitehouse. He then goes on to state that, once this has happened, Ukraine should inflict a devastating defeat on the Russian army in Ukrainian land to then cede territories to Russia so that the West can get back to having great relations with … yes Russia!
According to his plan, what’s left of Ukraine, which would by then be a rump state, should join NATO and the EU and send soldiers to other European countries to replace the US Army there.
Deranged … Evil?
Of-course one couldn’t make this up, and the further losses that both Ukrainians and Russians would need to undergo for Ukraine to win – and then lose after all, are of null interest to this person. He says that what is left of Ukraine would be used to defend other European countries in NATO against Russia within the context of a Cold War (presumably), while the banking elites – and the political elements in the West working for them – have a fantastic time enjoying great relations with … Russia!
Can one make this up? Nope! The assumption is, he’s referring to financial relations based on unlimited and relatively cheap oil and gas supplies to keep the EU up and running while ensuring lucrative deals for big companies repairing and maintaining Russia’s carbon infrastructure and supplying brand new fleets of passenger aircraft and millions of expensive cars with Made in the West written on the back.
And needless to say tycoons would be back sailing their ‘yachts’ up the Thames into London and buying houses worth tens of millions of pounds each, sometimes more.
Western Patrons of the Kremlin
All this would be happening while the chicken calling himself Winston Churchill II orchestrates a Cold War between the West and Russia! In his deranged mind, Ukrainian soldiers would be told to serve in eastern European NATO states after their own country has been sacrificed, whereas the Kremlin would be back in the G8 as once Tsar Peter the Boy was welcomed as a labourer in the shipyards of the Dutch East India Company in the Netherlands and what later would become the British East India Tea Company in England.
Back then in the days of the Kremlin’s Grand Embassy, it was clear who had given their international consent for the title of Kyiv to be extinguished from the Rus Church, and so the Muscovy had become beholden to this western banking elite.
It would be no different this time – save for the spiritual Mother and the Kyivan Child being cancelled as part of a deal between the Kremlin and western banking elites repeating what they did in 1939 when they appeased King Ibn Saud the owner of newly discovered oilfields. At that time the City bankers sacrificed Germany in order to shut down a Jewish homeland in Palestine.
Brother Nations Standing Together
Russia needs to decide whether to stand by a brother nation of Slavic kin, and the same applies to Belarus, or go the way those went who tried bringing down the Mother and Child of the Serbian nation.
Ukraine is not the enemy, and Russia should not fall into the net of someone who wants to present his candidate for the Whitehouse as ‘the saviour’ of Ukraine. The disgrace and the shame that would be heaped upon the dignity of the Rus nations would know no end if that very same person could go strutting and clucking around later claiming to have inserted his candidate into the US Administration as ‘saviour of Ukraine’, while also claiming to own the Kremlin after his ‘endorsed one’ forced the Ukrainians to cede their territory to Russia in return for Russian oil and gas to the West.
Here is today’s Party musical offer.
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