A Cottage With a Thatched Roof and Garden
Angela is looking forward to locating to Ukraine, all her brother needs is a comfortable place to offer along with a signed work contract.
A Very Bad Decision
When the German State decided to change the original offer from Srpska Majka to the German Lady into a British Government uk Bond, it was a catastrophic decision but one they held tightly to until the bitter end – which is too bad!
The British could never keep their promise and were unable to traffic any info over to Germany, just as they couldn’t to Italy. Nor could they keep their promises concerning Welsh and Irish, which were equally fictional.
And now we have arrived at the doorstep of Mother Rus: and the British are out there somewhere trying to mess it up.
And a Wilful Decision at That
Readers at The Party will be aware that in 2018 the German State sacrificed the Rhine Church to the British Establishment they were working with and that this decision of theirs never changed. They abused Angela’s good will and I her brother had to pay the price while she remained in Mexico on account of the English Child she had dedicated herself to.
Then my sister took up contact with the spiritual Mother of the Kyivan Church. Since then I made it clear in no uncertain terms that I’m not interested in playing games with the German State, they worked for the British and frankly I found their attitude towards the English Child insulting.
“We Don’t Care!”
They were not interested in a plain and simple work contract concerning what should have been extensive research into the source of the Rhine Church in the same way as Italy was not interested in a straight forward agreement that could have led to the presentation of the Italian cornerstone, choosing instead the see-saw ride with their British mates.
Which leaves us with the English Child and his Church once all else that got in the way has been safely deducted from the scenery.
Spiritual Public Debts
The item that here on Party space is called a ‘uk Government Bond’ is what my sister calls a ‘queeny’, and it’s a spiritual public debt a country makes when it believes in British fakery and buys into it. Such fakery was sold to the Welsh and the Irish, to Italy and to Germany too.
As it stands now, Boris Johnson the former 10 Downing Street resident is trying to offer a queeny to the Kremlin, claiming it’s guaranteed by the imminent entry into the Whitehouse of his chosen one.
In return for the sacrifice of Ukraine, oil and gas could start flowing westwards in unlimited quantities, Russia’s battered oil infrastructure could be put back into pristine working order by western technicians, hard currency could once again change hands and tycoons could again sail their yachts up the Thames Estuary.
No Surrender!
These bonds issued by the British had null effect on the English Church solely on account of Angela’s determination to never surrender, and so I have recently agreed with her that the presentation of the Rus Church should be combined with that of the English.
So long as the Kremlin does not try selling out for a fake British bond, then Russia and Belarus could, as brother nations, take part in what Ukraine has by right: the entitlement to the foundation of the One Church of All the Rus spanning back over one thousand years.
Here is today’s Party song.
The Situation According to Angela
Here we have the situation as my sister explained it, and it’s quite straight forward and void of sophistications.
1. The presentation of the one and only true English Church as according to its two distinct foundations of Canterbury in the south of England, and around fifty years later in York in the north of England, is the fruit of the alliance between the Serbian Mother of Valjevo and England of the Fair Lady in accordance with the Valjevo blueprint.
2. The only valid and canonical status from the biblical perspective for the Rus is the alliance between the Serbian Mother and the spiritual Mother of All the Rus nations using the same blueprint which traces the spiritual ecclesial foundation to a period dating back one thousand years plus a generation.
The Crossroads
If Belarus and Russia choose to stand by Ukraine, then three distinct and unique nations of the same family can share the heritage they are entitled to from the original spiritual baptism referred to above.
If one day Angela manages to reach Ukraine, and assuming her brother is living there in a cottage surrounded by a garden, she will be able to start the research mentioned in previous pages, the framework of which the British do not know and must not find out beforehand.
Free from British Establishment interference, she can then also present her work on the original English Church too, along with that of the Rus. This is what we agreed on, and as her brother I am laying the groundwork in learning Ukrainian – although this will need to be carried out mostly within the garden adjacent to the cottage not far from the orchards.
Either this, or Russia surrenders to a British chicken and continues trying to knock out Ukraine. What happens then … we’ll see.
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