Italian Sovereignty – Part 3
A dead man cannot help Italy, and – as according to the Italians – her brother being dead after all, neither can Angela. You Died Long Ago! In our last Party print Italian Sovereignty – Part 2 , I wrote “So having contacted Angela, I started by declaring that the Italian State is applying the adage: chi non protesta, acconsente ”. A 20 year oak-ripened brandy was ready on the table in front of me along with some savoury home-made ginger and aniseed bonbons as I continued presenting the case to my sister: I was promised a new life, Angela, but the British Intelligentsia said: “We took one life away from him, let us do it again!”. And Angela, who understands Italian, sat there looking at me as I went on to paraphrase the Italian State’s response : Ma tu per noi non sei mai esistito, non esisti e non trattiamo con te! Non siamo interessati in tua sorella in Messico, non ci interessa cosa abbia detto la Santa Madre Italiana. Noi non dobbiamo nessun soldo a te e non c’ è niente d...