
Showing posts from December, 2021

Inconceivable Pattern of Deceit

Holy Mother and Child of a Nation When asking ourselves who would try replac ing Holy Mother and Child, we can find the answer in the most obvious places: t hose who are in the act of creating an unholy empire and refuse to leave their broken dreams behind when the very foundations are crumbling from beneath their enterprise. O ur first Party tune   today is of Christmas. F or all we know, the Prince of Wales may be pulling the strings from behind the scenes, as m any institutions in Britain swear an oath of allegiance to his mother, and he may be trying to become the head of all faiths. However, he certainly won’t be promoting the One German Church. S omebody has been trying to replace Mother and Child with what has been described at The Party as a pendulum going between the UK and the EU. The architects behind this must have been working for a kingdom run by a private family on one side, and the Italian ‘founding fathers of Europe’ on the other, in other words they wer...

Ænglaland: of Teutonic-Celtic Origin

Tonight, The Party is taking a look at England’s place in helping Germany achieve victory through one national Church. Teutonic Britain My forebears were speaking Ænglisc as they crossed the German Ocean heading towards Britannia’s shores. Once they had established themselves, the first Teutonic soldiers later brought their families over from among the Jutes, the Angles and the Saxons and found ed their own kingdoms. Within these lands dwelled Celtic Britons too, those of them who had remained and s u rvived the Yellow Plague. At first t hey lived in separate communities, but as time passed, the two populations gradually intermarried, although Cornwall had maintain ed exclusive Celtic identity at the time it joined with the English. All in all, the part of Britain that became England enjoys both Celtic and Teutonic origins, and the national name was given to this land by the Angles, whose language differed but little from that of the Saxons and the Jutes . The first histor...

Head of the Global Economy

Privately Owned Oil Fields In today’s edition, The Party is looking at who owns the largest stake in the world’s economy and how this individual wields tremendous power over Whitehall, Westminster and the United Nations. We’re talking here of the private family going by the name Saud, which personally owns a country named after it, Saudi Arabia, and oil fields currently producing around 13 million barrels of oil a day. Its current recognised leader, although a prince, is known to have had a dislike towards a journalist named Jamal Khashoggi who worked for the Washington Post and he managed to get away with using a Saudi embassy to have him dispatched. Jamal Khashoggi’s last words were: I can’t breathe! . I Don’t Care! At that time, the serving prime minister of the UK, Theresa May, was employing staff from the MoD to coordinate targets in Yemen for the Saudi air force to hit with missiles. Many of the planes and missiles were manufactured in Britain, and UK arms exports to Saudi ...

The Hanoverians of the German Lady

Police Investigations The Police did their investigations and discovered that my sister actually di d take the spiritual calendar in a church in Serbia. Angela, however, had already gone back to Mexico by the time they arrived at that conclusion . It occurred to the Police that s omeone in the Balkans had been constantly feeding the m on monkey nuts – and then the truth finally dawned on them . Alexandra, being aware of what they knew, came and told me, noting that the hoax had been exposed and that the Police also realised they would not have been the only ones to stumble upon it . Indeed, others too had been fed on chickpeas coming from someone perched in a cave in the Balkans, until they too had grasped that Angela took something in a church that she alone knows how to use, and it has nothing to do with what they were being fed on! As for Angela, she has already drawn up her plans and intends work ing for the German Mother and Child – as according to her calen...

The Ardennes Offensive 2

The Road I s Free for Germany Tonight’s Party publication is dedicated to Alexandra, who a few days ago came round to see me. She explained that all we need do is wait for the Germans to accept her offer and sign the work contract that has been prepared . S he has personally put in a good word and explained that the road from Dover to North Camp is open for Germany and that there is no need to believe hogwash coming from Phosphorus Government Bond claiming something else. Alexandra also infiltrated the police and managed to find out they were involved in some ‘do-gooder’ policy to steal Angela’s spiritual church calendar. She was wearing a police uniform and I was quite shocked on hearing this , until of-course it became evident she was not working for the police, but had bugged them. Alexandra smiled and distributed some delicious sweet cream cakes she had prepared, and stayed over for the night with Mädel and myself. There was no need for me to enquire how she managed this ...