Inconceivable Pattern of Deceit
Holy Mother and Child of a Nation When asking ourselves who would try replac ing Holy Mother and Child, we can find the answer in the most obvious places: t hose who are in the act of creating an unholy empire and refuse to leave their broken dreams behind when the very foundations are crumbling from beneath their enterprise. O ur first Party tune today is of Christmas. F or all we know, the Prince of Wales may be pulling the strings from behind the scenes, as m any institutions in Britain swear an oath of allegiance to his mother, and he may be trying to become the head of all faiths. However, he certainly won’t be promoting the One German Church. S omebody has been trying to replace Mother and Child with what has been described at The Party as a pendulum going between the UK and the EU. The architects behind this must have been working for a kingdom run by a private family on one side, and the Italian ‘founding fathers of Europe’ on the other, in other words they wer...