Preparing to Reach the Rhine

Having invested heavily in Germany even at the cost of closing Mädel’s English cafeteria, I expect to see some dividends coming my way soon.

Obeying Reason

When Alexandra last spoke with me from Germany, I was informed that disbelieving Angela is a high stakes bet and that if I allowed her reputation to be dishonoured, the consequences would be upon her brother.

You don’t know what you’re doing to yourself!, was her warning, and needless to state, I took her wisdom for granted and obeyed.

The result of carrying out work on Angela’s instructions without a work contract inevitably will lead to a British chicken pen and brother Hun being enclosed in it. Consequently, my instructions were: no more work!

Talking Serious

When Freundin has accomplished her preliminary mission in Germany and the ‘European Union’* Empire has fallen due to no more German public funds given for free to half of Europe, I will of-course be expecting to receive a 24 hour briefcase from Germany containing the written work contract – stamped and signed by the German State, German travel documents, a bunch of keys, the deeds and an amount of 24 carat gold bars.

The entirety of this should be easy to carry in one hand and is to be considered as pre-conditional for the funding of Angela’s research into the Church Under the Full Moon inclusive of abode and her brother’s expenses and requirements. This is a no-haggling, no bag-snatching, no penny-pinching policy and it’s not up for discussion or dispute: it comes along with all that has already been explained in The Party’s 28th January 2024 print The Castle on the Rhine.

*A misappropriation of the words European and Union to describe a rehash of the USSR.

Twenty-Five Hours

Adding to this – as previously promised – in the event the above should prove unworkable for the German State (which it evidently did), I listed an extra hour to the case. This includes Germany leaving the EU, an institution that bitterly opposed Angela at every pass and turn ever since she went to Serbia the first time and has a lot to answer for in relation to Italy’s sorrowful state of affairs as far as my sister’s non-accomplished work for that country’s national Church is concerned.

Other things I may wish to add into this 25 hour briefcase under the extra hour may include Germany not going to war against Russia for another country, regardless whether it is in NATO or not. Confident that Russia doesn’t have any inherent plans of planting an alien flag on top of the Reich Chancellery, I can’t see any reason why Germany should be marching to fight the Russians.

The above does not detract one jot from Ukraine’s right to be a sovereign nation within its own sovereign borders.

Two Front War

Look, this has happened twice to Germany in the last century and each time Winston Churchill won the war. It shouldn’t happen again and so the second Winston Churchill who fled 10 Downing Street half way through his term will not be able to go strutting through Aachen, Germany’s historical Reich city, taking advantage of Germany’s problems to the east.

As a guarantee for the German Mother against wars from east and from west, Angela has a curriculum vitae stating she has accomplished research to offer in Germany on the English Church and on the Church of Kyiv and All Rus.

Her track record should be considered essential to the pending studies into the Rhine Church, proof that she is capable of honouring the three alliances made by Srpska Majka, the first being with England, the third with the Rus, the second one (Central Axis) with the Land of the Rhine. This alliance exonerates Germany from being at war against Russia or against any Rus nation on account of a third party.


Apart from the abode deemed necessary and the financial means considered mandatory to afford expenses, one may ask why a land estate has been included on the list. Well it’s because Angela likes gardens and her brother likes planting orchards and tending to them. These, along with some fields, could also bring in a hard-worked-for revenue, and I really don’t see what’s wrong with that. Unless, of-course, someone thinks that living in a chicken pen is a great idea, but in that case Germany can forget ever seeing Angela!

However, the very reason Mädel went to Germany is to terminate the post-1945 governing elite’s stranglehold over the German Folk and to put an end to the old federal republic’s attempt at sacrificing the nation’s destiny. Once she is done and the perpetrators have been exposed, then my sister can safely return home.

A Day of Reckoning

So, considering that the current German State has quite some explaining to do as to what they invested in and the woes this brought upon the German nation – whether it’s paying German public money to half of Europe for free in the guise of ‘EU net contributions’, or their part in making sure that Angela’s brother never saw one groat, I’ll leave it for others to sort out the fine detail of the work contract.

This will have to wait till the legal consequences have hit home for betraying German sovereignty to foreign government and to foreign law. I guess once the day comes, the scale in the court of justice will tip to one side, and then we’ll see who got to having the last say in this matter.

Here is today’s Party musical presentation.


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