A Church in Place of Stalin’s Liberation Cult

Progressive communist eradication of a nation owing to past teachings coming from the two papal cities: this is what Angela wants to investigate.

Avoiding a Gulag

Going by all the indications I received, it’s absolutely essential to prevent further information in relation to Angela’s intended studies becoming known to the British establishment. These people celebrate victory over Europe day and are dedicated Nazi-hunters: if they have their way, the Rus Church would end up in a gulag, basically going the same way they decided the Rhine Church should.

While I the Hun, having a say in this, called the Kyivan Child of the Rus Mother a Cossack, it later occurred to me that the last time Winston Churchill encountered the Cossacks, he had them deported to Stalin to be interned in gulags or shot there and then as they were being handed over.

Stalin’s Liberation Theory

Bearing in mind the Red Army liberation theory, it’s not in the interests of Rus Mati for the Ukrainian Child to become another file at Bletchley Park and for Angela Hun’s latest intentions to be buried in a common ditch like all those that preceded them, with the sole exception of the English Church. Only the English Child made it to the heavenly House and this was owing to the German Mother who saved him from British cancellation*.

Here is today’s first Party presentation.

We need to remember that the British establishment only ever called Angela a liar and have mocked her from the beginning all through time to this very day. Well, these very people quite clearly will never offer any credibility concerning sister Hun’s projects for the Rus Church, will they? I mean, they are hardly the people you’d want to believe. To the contrary they will only claim ‘she did nothing’ and ‘will never achieve anything’. And whatever she would do, they’d sweep under a carpet, that is, they’d bury it all in a common ditch while sending Moloch in her place.

Now, back to Churchill and Stalin’s liberation theory …

The Track Record

Exactly this is what I was shown in communion many years ago in Italy in relation to the Church Under the Full Moon of the German Mother, also known as the Rhine Church: it would either prosper owing to Angela, or be consigned under the ground to eternal burial. The British were determined the latter should happen, and whether it actually does depends not on me. The German State having chosen to give the British a free hand in this, the problem is more complex.

So this brings us back to the Kyivan Child: I informed my sister to hold on in Mexico, to wait, and we’ll see how events unfold. Bletchley Park must not get any coordinates that would enable them to bring ruination upon him. He has taken precedence and we can be one hundred percent sure the British establishment is on the case with the following phrase: Let us do it again!

A Clearer View

Yet this Child must never fall to them, he needs to remain safe, and this means not one more jot on this topic until a work contract has come and I have left the British Isles. If not, they would find their way to this Child’s spiritual grain, take it all away and leave him to rot, and then send Moloch along! It’s part of their liberation theory, the one they celebrate and adhere to, adamantly clinging like limpets to this cult of theirs.

Here is today’s second musical Party theme.

Once it becomes clear they have nothing to offer for the Rus Church, then eventually a work contract should come Angela’s way, she having taken up spiritual contact with the Rus Mother.

*The requirement having been that Angela, funded by her brother with null contribution from the British and no work contract, carried out and completed all her studies into the origins of the true English Church and presented them in public domain, and then wanted to work for the German Child in Germany but with a State work contract as her brother had no funds left.


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