Angela and the Kyivan Rus
When she returns home to Germany, my sister will be looking forward to receiving from Kyiv some texts to help her carry out studies in relation to one Rus Child: the Kyivan.
Pas d’Or, Point de Suisse
Currently in Mexico, Angela is waiting for the day when the German State finally decides to allow her back in to her homeland. This can only happen if her brother is there first, with a German travel document, accommodation in the way described, the financial assets in gold needed to fund her research, and the signed contract guaranteed at State level.
A Helping Rus Hand
The above is on account of the Church Under the Full Moon that is in the Land of the Rhine, however, Angela has promised to investigate the history of the Church of the Rus as well – in Germany.
In our last Party page dated 27th March 2024 going by the title Das Rus Kind, it’s written: “in a recent conversation we had by video, my sister assured me she has very important matters to look into relating directly to the Rus-ecclesiastic history”.
Consequently she’ll be delighted to send a request from Germany to Kyiv asking for some written information in the form of text copies with relevant translations. These should enable her to correctly research the ecclesiastic origins of the Word among the Rus and come to vital conclusions concerning the later development of events over the centuries with reference to who did this, wrote that and said the other.
A Friendly Nation
On my part I long ago got used to being told: You are a freaking Nazi and you owe us!, but in reality I don’t owe anyone anything. Instead, there is a duty on my part to care for the interests of my sister Angela and help her accomplish her work – which involves plenty of travelling, reading and writing.
Speaking recently with my sister, I took note of her words as she sat there in Mexico explaining to me that Germany has no reason to go to war against Russia and that the Russians should not be fighting against a brethren Rus Folk.
No War in Germany
Angela wants a peaceful environment where to conduct her reading and writing, which in her estimation should be of great interest to all the Rus Peoples who she says share a common Church. Yet it isn’t possible for die Hunnin to illuminate further unless she is first done with reading the scripts and texts required.
What hermana does not need, however, is for Germany to go to war with Russia, nor for Ukraine to be taken in a pincer grip from east and west and militarily and economically subdued into submission*. And it speaks for itself that she doesn’t want Belarus or Russia to be subdued either, reason for which she doesn’t pit one brethren Rus People against another.
Here is today’s Party musical presentation.
German Travel Documents
Sister Hun’s specific request to be able to return to German Land to carry out the work that needs doing for the Rhine Church has been turned down since 2018. Once the German State has changed their mind and decided to review my sister’s offer – also in light of her desire to work for the Rus Peoples, then I should receive a German travel document, a work contract and the necessary funds and accommodation that will enable not only my return to Germany, but, subsequently, also the return of Schwester Hunnin.
In her case, although she has her own travel documents, she will not move from Mexico unless other people’s problems with her brother and their resentment towards him are finally sorted out. The subsequent contract issued by the State must make clear that Angela’s work will go in Angela’s name only, with due reference to one or other spiritual Mother and Child with whom she works through spiritual contact.
Any short introduction written by her brother as testimony to Angela’s spiritual contacts will be signed off with brother Hun only! Such introductions will not include any other personally-identifying details of him.
Investment in a Government Bond
At some point in the past, Germany invested in a uk Government Bond as a substitute for Angela. This was their mistake and I will not take the responsibility for this, or for any other investments that others made into uk Government Bonds.
Italy cashed in one such Bond for thirty pounds sterling and, as mentioned in some previous pages here, Angela’s brother will not take responsibility for it.
He refuses to sign any sheet of paper whereby he declares himself or his sister Angela a liar. As far as he’s concerned he should be signing a work contract with Germany on behalf of sister Hun that she may return to the Land of the Rhine.
All and any attempts at trying to get British administrative organizations to force or oblige brother Hun into signing papers whereby he declares himself or his sister in Mexico “a liar”, whether directly or by inference, will end in a net negation. He will not sign any such thing! Rather, Germany will go the way Italy did to Church Abortion and take all the responsibility for it. After all, they were not forced to invest in a uk Government Bond but chose to! Contrary to them, I never made such a choice but instead invested in Angela’s interests.
*The EU commissars present and past falsely claimed: We want Ukraine in the European Union to supply Europe with plenty of food. The reality is, they don’t, meaning they were not telling the truth!
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