
Showing posts from April, 2023

Angela Was in Marmorito Santa Maria

Like rapacious demons attracted to the honey pot, they descended upon the place where the Italian Mother had been working with Angela in the comune di Aramengo . Reputation The Party will be keeping readers updated in real time with events concerning the Italian spiritual Mother. As is clear, the Italian State cannot deny they betrayed Her to the British and claim they kn o w nothing, because, if they do – which they do – then by default the Italian Mother would be considered a liar. She has in fact placed Her own reputation equal to that of Angela, who both Italian and British agencies are trying to pass off as a liar, thus making any future work of hers impossible until the situation changes and she has a State contract. We need to remember that, in Italy, when they received by post her first presentation in Rome and took away her second one before we could show it in public domain, Angela had stated in writing that the Italian spiritual Mother guided her. Current Situa...

Marmorito Santa Maria e la Chiesa Italiana

Il lavoro scritto di Angela Con la presente pubblicazione vediamo il percorso da seguire affinch é le pagine scritte da mia sorella tornino al luogo d’origine. Un plico deve tornare da Roma e l’altro da Castelnuovo Don Bosco ed entrambi devono arrivare a Marmorito Santa Maria da dove sono partiti. Il lavoro a livello spirituale ebbe inizio in Liguria , dove lei viveva con suo fratello, e in seguito fu organizzato nel luogo soprascritto facente parte del comune di Aramengo in provincia di Asti. Si tratta della presentazione delle origini della Chiesa Italiana come narrata nelle Sacre Scritture scritta in due testi diversi: simili, ma non uguali. Ecco la scelta musicale per oggi. Lo Stato Solo lo Stato italiano è in grado di fare il contratto di lavoro e fornire al fratello di Angela il documento italiano di cui ha bisogno per ritornare, questo essendo la precondizione perch é ritorni anche Angela in Italia usando i propri documenti che gi à possiede. Una volta che lei...

The Church Is Not for Sale

Holy Mother and Child are not up for sale, so if someone could purchase one Lady In High and condemn Her Child, that person would repeat it following the same pattern. To Be – or Not, You Choose! Having always placed the interests of my sister Angela above my own, I never sought to gamble her honour and reputation when presenting her affairs. Her presence in Serbia was not an unfortunate quarrel between a backyard dog barking from behind a fence and someone passing by in the street. I t was part of a War to the bitter end between the Church and empires run by human beings trying to impose their domination. They went to War against my sister Angela and as a good Hun I went to prison for her so that the British Establishment could not lock her up in their despicable prison. In Germany the powers that be chose not to accept this, which is why she changed her plan and decided to take on in a frontal challenge the Italian secret service of previous governments and their army of rogu...

Sorgente spirituale della Chiesa Siciliana

La presente pagina viene scritta per ricordare La Siciliana con cui ero in comunione e per soffermarsi a quanto mi fece vedere. La vera Chiesa Angela mi disse di non svelare qua le parole della Siciliana, n é l’intero svolgimento dell’evento, perch é prima ci deve essere un contratto di lavoro che le permette di compi ere le sue ricerche sulle origini della Chiesa siciliana, come anche di quella italiana. Considerando dove la comunione era ambientata e il messaggio che si deduce in base ai de t tagli che vidi e le parole che senti i, posso rivelare che il tentativo di ‘acquistare’ lo Spirito Santo era fallito in maniera assoluta, esattamente come Angela mi diceva quando eravamo in Serbia. Lei era andata con suo fratello a Valjevo, e nella chiesa dedicata a Presveta Bogorodica ricevette il calendario ecclesiale spirituale con cui ha sempre lavorato – fino a quando lo Stato italiano non ha reso impossibile la continuazione delle sue ricerche. L’idea che degli esser i uman...

Whether Jews, Germans, Russians, the Bridge Is in Rome

One written text was sent by post to Rome, a reply never came, but for all that Italy slept, it’s still there . A Kosher Supper Alexandra expressed her intention in 2018 to research in Germany the historic relations between Germans and Jews and to use her knowledge of Jewish affairs both scriptural and historical to compile written pages based on her studies – much of which still needs to be carried out. She repeated this also on the present version of The Party post-April 2021. She too is in Germany since July 2022 and expects to receive one day a contract at State level. As I am her adjutant she’s awaiting my arrival. Here is today’s Party presentation . Hidden History The Jewish history in relation to the Germans has been hidden away from Mankind, even though Yiddish, a language based on German, was the most spoken among the Semitic people referred to as Hebrews ( Ebrei ) in Italian, and Judeans ( Juden ) in German. Alexandra will also be participating with Angela in ...

La Chiesa Siciliana

In base a questa comunione, ho saputo che ci sar à in futuro la presentazione della Chiesa Siciliana secondo le sue origini. La Siciliana Once in communion the Sicilian Lady was seated opposite me on account of the Church and Angela. The details of this spiritual event can be left for a future time when I have returned to Italy and die Hunnin has followed me there – once the contract is up and running, an Italian document has arrived and I’ve rented a villa with portico from where we can make excursions related to her studies and our days out. It had to do with avoiding being knocked over in the Swamp by angry people, and the Sicilian Lady, praising me for something I did, gave me one ice cream, followed in identical manner by a second one, which later I assumed was meant for Angela who in the communion was not present. Although I don’t know any details from my sister, I can imagine her future studies into the origins of the Church among the Italians also ha ve a root speci...