
Showing posts from June, 2024

European Union Nonsense

There’s no way the European Union is going to continue, let alone expand. In fact, it’s destined to come to an abrupt end! What EU Nonsense ! The reason why talk of expanding the European Union is just claptrap, can be explained very simply,   namely, in Mädel’s presence in Germany. I the Hun sent her there a few years ago to shut down the EU at its very centre of gravitation: there where money is fleeced from the Germans and handed over to other countries in Europe in the form of net contributions. For this reason alone, all statements claiming the EU will expand east, or indeed will continue to exist at all as an institution, are null and void. At the time of sending Freundin on, I had understood that once Germany’s economy is no longer in a position to spend 20 billion euros a year on funding other European economies for free, the entire farcical political institution will collapse, and when that happens, German politicians lighting cigars with 50 dollar bills while hand...

From Greece to the Rus Church

Tam na Hori When Angela crossed over to the Rus, this was preceded by her contacting the Greek Mother who informed her of a new set of instructions and, the course of direction having now changed, made sure the foundation upon which her future research rests is clear from the very start – before the studies actually commence. Undisputable First Ecclesial Law That which had been taught by Srpska Majka many years ago in Valjevo was confirmed, the law that has been challenged by a pantheon of EU ‘founding fathers of Europe’, human holy fathers, human ‘heads of the church’ and Italian godfathers bearing gifts. This teaching states that the Orthodox Church of Hellenic source was founded in the first century Anno Domini , Amen. She bade Angela open the spiritual calendar that the Serbian Mother had given her, turn another page and read what is written, assuring my sister that a Spiritual Mother awaits her, the Lady of whom is the Kyivan Child. Second Ecclesial Law Within time I wa...

Mother Rus and the Kyivan Child

According to the spiritual Rus Matriarchy, Constantinople tried transferring the Kyiv ecclesial baptism a long time ago to the Third Rome… The Child … then they came out centuries later saying: Oh we’re sorry, we’ve changed our mind! Brother Hun received a few months ago the duty to make sure the Ukrainian Child does not fall. With that he had enough to bear and didn’t need any weights placed on his shoulders. Consequently he won’t even bother here repeating a list of old lamentations. It’s enough to state that Angela’s brother didn’t owe Germany or Switzerland as much as one word, this having been made clear in The Party’s 7th July 202 3 print  The Script for the Rhine Church . Not one word from the sheet of paper was given me to understand either by reading or by hearing, only my sister could have interpreted it . All I did was to work out foreseen expenses on my part to fund her. So that’s that. Tally-ho! Preparatory Work Then the Ukrainian Child made his app...

The Spiritual Rus Matriarchy

Angela turned a page in her spiritual calendar and, looking up, said: Brother, not can hang around, must work! The Maternal Alliance The alliance between Srpska Majka and the Rus Mother is in continuation of Valjevo , and going by other communion events in that period immediately following this revelation, it was shown that there are various Rus nations each of distinct entity, but having in common one Church. Angela, consulting with her calendar and seeing that the time for her previous work obligations had expired without ever seeing an incoming contract, informed me in 2024 that she intends working with the Ukrainian Child whose capital is Kyiv. This was shortly after she had, in her description , made phone call to Greek Mother and, spiritually speaking, left Italy behind for the Ionian Islands just west of the Peloponnese – while remaining in Mexico. The Ukrainian Soon thereafter I became acquainted in communion with the Ukrainian Child but cannot write on the details a...

The Doctrine of the Third Rome

This doctrine has been a bone of contention between Russians and Ukrainians owing to its use as a means to dislodge Kyiv from the historical and spiritual position the city holds among the Rus nations. From the Third Rome to Schism Not having ever abandoned the Serbian Child and the Mother he is so dear to, sestra , as seen in recent publications, has revealed her latest plan. A ll we need bear in mind is the foundation upon which her research is predicated : the Apostolic Church known as Orthodox was founded in the first century Anno Domini, and Constantinople, which was built in the fourth century, is not the city of its origins. Angela has said she wants to work with the Ukrainian Child in order to establish how the division came about within the Church of the spiritual Rus Mother. The teaching imparted to her by Srpska Majka through the church in Valjevo does not recognise the city on the Bosphorus as holder of supremacy over the Serbian Church. Rather, the original Gre...