If the Rhine Dried Out …
If it came to be that the Rhine went without water, then it would be parched in Switzerland too. Maps and Times When Angela went to Serbia, her enemies waged War on her, yet she refused to surrender. Having established her domicile in Valjevo and taken up spiritual contact with the Serbian Mother and Child by way of the church there dedicated to Presveta Bogorodica , my sister was not going to surrender to the European Union ‘founding fathers of Europe’ who tried shutting her down the whole, entire time. The geographical nature of the layout of the land as seen on the map and how die Hunnin made good use of it to avoid falling in the Swamp again , has been presented here. So too the time frame as seen on the calendar and how she returned to Serbia from Greece at Easter after passing through Bulgaria, and proceeded on to Valjevo. Even after this, however, the people on the case tried humiliating Greece just as they had already humiliated Serbia in Belgrade. I remember...