
Showing posts from February, 2025

Preparing to Reach the Rhine

Having invested heavily in Germany even at the cost of closing Mädel’s English cafeteria, I expect to see some dividends coming my way soon. Obeying Reason When Alexandra last spoke with me from Germany, I was informed that disbelieving Angela is a high stakes bet and that if I allowed her reputation to be dishonoured, the consequences would be upon her brother. You don’t know what you’re doing to yourself!, was her warning, and needless to state, I took her wisdom for granted and obeyed. The result of carrying out work on Angela’s instructions without a work contract inevitably will lead to a British chicken pen and brother Hun being enclosed in it. Consequently, my instructions were: no more work! Talking Serious When Freundin has accomplished her preliminary mission in Germany and the ‘European Union’* Empire has fallen due to no more German public funds given for free to half of Europe, I will of-course be expecting to receive a 24 hour briefcase from Germany contain...